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Journal of Food Science


Abstracts in Anthropology; Abstracts on Hygiene & Communicable Diseases; Agricola; Agricultural Engineering Abstracts; Analytical Abstracts; Applied Science & Technology Index (Jan 2001-); Aquatic Science & Fisheries Abstracts; ASCA Research Alert; Biological & Agricultural Index (Jan 1983-); Biological Abstracts; Biology Digest; Cadscan; Chemical Abstracts; Chemical Industry Notes; Chemical Titles; Chemistry Citation Index; Chemoreception Abstracts; Chromatography Abstracts; Crop Physiology Abstracts; Cross Ref; CSA Agricultural & Environmental Biotechnology Abstracts (coverage dropped); Current Advances in Ecological & Environmental Sciences; Current Contents; Current Packaging Abstracts; Dairy Science Abstracts; Derwent Biotech Abstracts; Diarrheal Diseases Research; Environmental Per Bibliography; Environmental Science & Pollution Management; Excerpta Medica; Field Crop Abstracts; Fisheries Review; Food Science & Technology Abstracts; General Science Index (Mar 1984-Jun 1992); Grasslands & Forage Abstracts; Health & Safety Science Abstracts; Helminthological Abstracts & Nematological; Horticultural Abstracts; Index to Scientific Reviews; Index Veterinarius; INIS Atomindex; International Abstracts of Biological Sciences; IFIS -- International Food Information Service, International Packaging Abstracts; LeadScan; Maize Abstracts; Mass Spectrometry Bulletin; Microbiology Abstracts; Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews; Nutrition Research Newsletter; Oceanic Abstracts (coverage dropped); Oil Seeds Abstracts; Packaging Science & Technology Abstracts; Pig News & Information; Plant Breeding Abstracts; Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts; Pollution Abstracts; Postharvest News & Information; Potato Abstracts; Poultry Abstracts; Psychological Abstracts; PubMed; Referativnyi Zhurnal; Review of Agricultural Entomology & Review of Medical & Veterinary Entomology; Review of Medical & Veterinary Mycology; Review of Plant Pathology; Rice Abstracts; Risk Abstracts; Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies; Science Citation Index; Seed Abstracts; Social Sciences Citation Index (coverage dropped); Sorghum & Millets; Soyabean Abstracts; Sugar Industry Abstracts; Veterinary Bulletin; VITIS-Viticulture & Oenology; Water Resources Abstracts; Wheat, Barley, & Triticale Abstracts; Zincscan.

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The Journal of Food Science (JFS) is an international publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, a not-for-profit society for food science and technology. JFS publishes peer-reviewed original research and reviews of all basic and applied aspects of food science for food scientists and other interested professionals. JFS also publishes supplements on hot topics.

As the premier international publication of articles concerning fundamental research covering all aspects of food science, JFS is composed of five sections, with each section embodying various aspects of food research: Concise Reviews and Hypotheses in Food Science, Food Chemistry and Toxicology, Food Engineering and Physical Properties, Food Microbiology and Safety, and Sensory and Nutritive Qualities of Food. These subject areas include food safety and quality, food laws and regulations, ingredients and ingredient functionality, nutraceuticals, product formulation, sensory science and strategies, statistical process control and its contribution to food processing operations, food chemistry and toxicology, food engineering, food microbiology, and nutritive qualities of food that advance and impact our understanding of health.

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