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Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids


INSPEC; Chemical Abstracts Service; ISI Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; New Jour; Astrophysics Data System; SciBase and SCOPUS.

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Last volume

Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids publishes experimental and theoretical papers of both a fundamental and applied nature that contribute to the understanding of phenomena or defects induced by the interaction of all types of radiation with condensed matter.
The range of contributions encompasses: radiation physics; radiochemistry; radiobiology and physical effects of medical irradiation, including research on radiative cell degeneration; optical, electrical and mechanical effects of radiation; and their secondary effects such as diffusion and particle emission from surfaces.

Topics covered include atomic and electronic properties of defects induced by radiation; the influence of such defects on lattice properties and processes; the lattice-defect approach to solid state reactions such as clustering, precipitation, laser annealing and the role of impurities; the defect dynamics in a non-steady state such as under-particle or electromagnetic irradiation, or during a non-induced rapid temperature change; and problems associated with the metastable nature of amorphous materials.

Materials studied may include: semiconductors; polymers and other organic materials; biomatter; and inorganic compounds such as metal oxides, high Tc superconductors and minerals. Submissions discussing biomaterials and nanomaterials are particularly encouraged. Papers dealing with radiation effects on metals will be considered but purely metallurgical papers are not appropriate.

Papers dealing with radiation effects in R&D applications are also encouraged, for example: accelerator technology; electronics and opto-electronics; sensors; dosimetry and medical technologies; fusion and fission devices and space research.

All research articles published in Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening by the Editor and refereeing by two anonymous referees.

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