The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through
the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).
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Directory of scientists
Andreas Prange
retired, formerly Head of Department "Marine Bioanalytical Chemistry" in the Institute of Coastal Research, Professor for Analytical Chemistry at the Universitity of Hamburg
HZG Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung, Institute for Coastal Research/Operational Systems, Department for Marine Bioanalytical Chemistry, Max-Planck Straße 1, D-21502 Geesthacht, Germany
Bioanalytical chemistry at the interface between instrumental analytical chemistry and molecular biology. The focus lies on the identification and characterization of marine natural substances, which control ecological functions of marine organisms as well as the bio-response based identification and assessment of hazardous substances with respect to a cause-effect related risk assessment for the coastal ecosystem.
Hyphenated Systems: GC, HPLC and CE coupled to ICP-MS (Quadrupole, Collision Cell, Sectorfield) and MS/MS,
qQ-TOF MS for chemical species analysis in biological systems.
ICP-MS and TXRF and GC-MS and LC-MS for inorganic and organic trace- and ultra-trace analysis.
Bioanalysis using e.g. Affinity Chromatography, 2D Gelelectrophoresis, RT-PCR etc.
Special Laboratories: Clean labs, organic and inorganic (Class 1000 and 10000) ;
Biological Safty -Laboratory, Class S1; Cell culturing
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