Guisuanyan-tongbao : shuangyuekan = Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society |
Guisuanyan-xuebao = Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society |
He Dianzixue Yu Tance Jishu = Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology |
He-jishu = Nuclear techniques |
Health Physics : the radiation safety journal |
Hedongli-gongcheng : shuangyuekan = Nuclear power engineering |
Heliyon |
Heritage Science |
Hermsdorfer Technische Mitteilungen |
High Pressures - High Temperatures |
High temperature material processes |
High temperature materials and processes |
High Temperature Science |
Holzforschung: international journal of the biology, chemistry, physics, and technology of wood |
Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao = Journal of East China University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) |
Human nutrition: Food sciences and nutrition |
Hyomen Kagaku : of the Surface Science Society of Japan (JSSSJ) |
IAEA Bulletin |
IBM Journal of Research and Development |
IEEE Transactions on Computers |