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Dear Subscriber !
Welcome to the first issue of EVISA's Speciation Newsletter in the new year 2013.
We start the year with the same topic that was present in our December issue of last year: Mercury
There are good reasons for that: Mercury is a strong toxin and is threatening human health on a global scale. Reducing mercury pollution is on the agenda of the United Nations conference this week in Geneva, where delegations are expected to put the finishing touches on a treaty, meant to limit the anthropogenic emission of mercury. Delegates are confronted with new alarming data, highlighting the importance of an effective treaty.
According to the UNEP Global Mercury Assessment 2013 report (see the news), anthropogenic sources are responsible for about 30% of annual emissions of mercury to air, another 10% comes from natural geological sources, and the rest (60%) is from 're-emissions' of previously released mercury that has built up in surface soils and oceans.
As a result of the emission, mercury pollution is threatening the biosphere globally and is threatening human health by entering the food chain. Another new report from the Biodiversity Research Institute in Maine (see the News) tells to what extent: 84 percent of fish have unsafe levels of mercury, exceeding the guidelines for eating certain kinds of fish more than once a month. The report also tells that the pollution has reached humans already: More than 82 percent of human hair samples from 8 countries exceeded U.S EPA reference dose levels of 1.0 ppm.
Time to act ! That is the title of another UNEP report, meant to motivate governments and civil society to act on this notorious pollutant.
We are really looking forward to the outcome of this final UNEP session and we will report about it.
EVISA is keeping you updated with what is going on in speciation analysis. In this section you will find news about the most current research results, about trends, legal issues and informations from manufacturers in the field of speciation analysis.
With all the links to further information and publications the News archive is a valuable collection of "hot topics" in speciation analysis. We continuously update even former news with new links and information so that all news are actual all the time.
Mercury Levels in Humans and Fish Around the World Regularly Exceed Health Advisory Levels
A new scientific report finds that humans and marine ecosystems around the world are contaminated with mercury and that mercury levels in humans and fish regularly exceed health advisory guidelines.
New data shows: Mercury emissions rising globally
While mercury emission from industrialized countries has been reduced during the last decade, communities in developing countries are facing increasing health and environmental risks linked to exposure to mercury, according to new studies by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
United Nations Global Mercury Treaty: Fifth and final session
The fifth and final session of the International Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury (INC5) has begun yesterday and will end January 18 in Geneva, Switzerland,
Mercury in food EFSA updates advice on risks for public health
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has established Tolerable Weekly Intakes (TWIs), or safe levels, intended to protect consumers from adverse health effects posed by the possible presence of the main forms of mercury found in food: methylmercury and inorganic mercury. Recommendations of the EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the food chain where published online on Thursday Dec. 20.
With a list of about 50 current entries EVISA is informing you about interesting events and keeps you updated with their deadlines. By consulting our list of deadlines you won't miss the opportunity for early registration at reduced fee or the chance to submit your contribution in time. more infos...
Please recognize the following deadlines:
ANAKON 2013 Date: March 4,2013 - March 7,2013 Location: Essen, Germany January 15,2013 Submission of abstracts for last-minute posters
canas 2013: Colloquium Analytische Atomspektroskopie 2013 Date: March 17,2013 - March 19,2013 Location: Freiberg, Germany February 6,2013 Early registration at reduced fee
ISSPA 2013: 13th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis Date: April 8,2013 - April 12,2013 Location: Queenstown, New Zealand February 15,2013 Early registration at reduced fee
ICOBTE 2013: 12th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements Date: June 16,2013 - June 20,2013 Location: Athens, Georgia, USA February 15,2013 Early registration at reduced fee
SpectrAtom 2013: Date: June 25,2013 - June 28,2013 Location: Grand Lodge Mont Tremblant, Mont-Tremblant, Québec February 1,2013 Early registration at reduced fee
59th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy (ICASS 2013) Date: June 26,2013 - June 28,2013 Location: Le Grand Lodge Mont Tremblant, Mont-Tremblant, Québec February 1,2013 Early registration at reduced fee
DGT Conference 2013: Conference on DGT and the Environment Date: July 9,2013 - July 11,2013 Location: Lancaster University, UK January 31,2013 Submission of abstracts February 28,2013 Registration at normal rate
Please do not hesitate to inform us in case that your conference related to speciation analysis is missing in our Agenda.
ISRANALYTICA 2013: the 16th Annual Meeting of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society
The David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel
22.01.2013 - 23.01.2013
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
Krakow, Poland
10.02.2013 - 15.02.2013
Essen, Germany
04.03.2013 - 07.03.2013
XII International Symposium on Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine
Punta del Este, Uruguay
11.03.2013 - 13.03.2013
Pittcon 2013
17.03.2013 - 21.03.2012
canas 2013: Colloquium Analytische Atomspektroskopie 2013
Freiberg, Germany
17.03.2013 - 19.03.2013
EVISA provides information about open positions for Ph.D. students, PostDocs and permanent staff in the field of speciation. Looking to fill a vacancy or needing a new career challenge? Either way this service is FREE. Many laboratories and research facilities (from Greenland to Crete) have already found their highly educated stuff through this service by EVISA. If you would like to post an open position here, please contact us at info@speciation.net !
University of Pau, France: Methods for the determination of redox forms of chromium and organotin compounds
The 2009/48/EC toy safety European directive was recently modified taking into account the emergence of new manufacturing processes and innovations concerning materials and technologies used. This directive went into effect since July 20, 2011 but will come into force from July 20, 2013 regarding chemical requirements.
Odense, Denmark: Chemodynamic features of organic compounds
University of Southern Denmark is looking for a candidate with an internationally recognised PhD in environmental physical chemistry, and experience with dynamic speciation methodology for organic compounds.
University of Aberdeen: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Chemistry
The Chemistry Department is seeking to appoint two staff who will complement and extend existing research activities in the Energy and Environment theme. The current activities include heterogeneous catalysis and surface chemistry, photocatalysis, materials related to energy applications, analysis and speciation of toxic elements. At least one of the new appointees should have expertise in spectroscopic analysis, with relevance to the oil and gas industry.
EVISA's directory of scientist is a versatile tool to facilitate contact with scientists in the field of speciation and related sciences. The directory is fully searchable for names, addresses, research topics etc. You should bookmark this directory as an always up-to-date address book. (In order to hinder SPAM robots for collecting the E-mail accounts, we hide them in a special format).
More than 275 active scientists in the field of speciation analysis already joined the directory. Join this great directory that is extensively linked to all type of other information on this site, such as homepages, conferences and literature.
If your entry is still missing in this directory, please contact us at info@speciation.net.
EVISA provides an easy access to external information. Our database contains more than 2660 links to relevant information from numerous top scientific resources spread over the whole Web. The database is searchable both via full-text and categories such as elements, type of species and type of information. We are permanently updating our links section.
If your web site is missing here, please e-mail your link information to info@speciation.net.
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Please feel free to pass this Speciation Newsletter to others who may benefit from EVISA. If you have any contributions or suggestions, please send these to editors@speciation.net.
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Disclaimer No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. The Newsletter represents only the opinion of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Community. The European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of the information provided.