Sometimes used to mean a test or test result, but other times as a synonym for the analytical method.
The term "assay" was found in the following pages:
Company database: Caliper Life Sciences
Speciation analysis by LC-ICP-MS finds new application area in clinical chemistry: Ceruloplasmin | EVISA's News
Company database: Aurora Biomed
Instrument database: Foss A/S - Rapid Content Analyzer
All about certified reference materials (CRMs) | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Varian Inc. - Cary 50 UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Journals database: Molecular Imaging and Biology
Instrument database: Oxford Instruments - X-MET3000TX
Instrument database: Ocean Optics - FIA-SIA-LOV Sequential Injection Analysis System
Instrument database: FIAlab Instruments - FIAlab-3200
Instrument database: Tecan - Freedom EVOlyzer
Company database: Eichrom Technologies
Determination of Vitamin B12 in human milk | EVISA's News
Link database: EFSA: Potassium molybdate as a source of molybdenum added for nutritional purposes to food supplements
Instrument database: Tecan - Columbus Pro
Instrument database: Agilent Technologies Inc. - 6495B Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
Instrument database: PerkinElmer Inc. - JANUSŪ Automated Workstation
Metropolis Help
Link database: University of Colorado: The In-Vitro Method - Relative Bioavailability Leaching Procedure
Instrument database: Aurora Instruments Ltd. - VERSA 1000 Workstation