microwave digestion

A method of digesting an organic matrix to liberate metal content by using an acid at elevated temperature (and pressure) based on microwave radiation. Can be carried out in either open or sealed vessels.

The term "microwave digestion" was found in the following pages:

Instrument database: Aurora Biomed - TRANSFORM 680 Microwave Digestion System
Instrument database: Aurora Biomed - MW 700 microwave digestion system
New sensitive method for chromium speciation analysis: No hexavalent chromium in dairy and cereal products | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Anton Paar GmbH - Multiwave ECO
Directory of scientists: Petru Jitaru
Directory of scientists: Jörg Feldmann
Speciation Analysis of Arsenic in Honey | EVISA's News
Influence of culinary treatments of fish on its mercury content and speciation | EVISA's News
Selenium Speciation in Fortified Vegetables | EVISA's News
Accurate determination of arsenic and its species by internal standardization for quantification by ICP-MS | EVISA's News
Determination of chromium species in tanned leather samples | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Aurora Biomed - MW 650 closed vessel microwave digestion system
Accurate determination of arsenic and its species by internal standardization | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Anton Paar GmbH - Multiwave GO - Microwave Digestion System
Instrument database: Anton Paar GmbH - Multiwave 7000 Microwave Digestion System
Detection of Gd-based contrast agent in the skin of a patient eight years after administration | EVISA's News
Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry as a Detection System for Speciation Analysis | EVISA's News
Simultaneous selenium and sulfur speciation analysis in cultured mushrooms (Pleurotus pulmonarius) | EVISA's News