quality assurance
a definitive plan for laboratory operation that specifies the measures used to produce data of known precision and bias.
The term "quality assurance" was found in the following pages:
Journals database: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinChek 8883 Control blood plasma, lyophilised, trace elements level I
Material database: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - SRM 955c - Toxic Elements in Caprine Blood /Level 3
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinChek 8881 Blood Serum Control lyophilised, trace elements level II
All about Analytical Sciences - Resources related to Analytical Sciences | EVISA's News
Directory of scientists: Hugo Ortner
Material database: NIES - National Institute for Environmental Studies - CRM 18: Human Urine
Material database: NIES - National Institute for Environmental Studies - CRM 12: Marine Sediment
Company database: Global Laboratory Evaluation & Management Program (GLEMP)
Instrument database: getspec.com - getSpec NIR2.2-256-PC
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinChek 8880 Blood Serum Control lyophilised, trace elements level I: LOT 544
Isranalytica 2012 | EVISA's Agenda of Events
Company database: Leica Mikrosysteme Vertrieb GmbH
ICAS 2006 | EVISA's Agenda of Events
Company database: Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM)
Component database: PQ Systems - MEASUREspy SPC software
Material database: NIES - National Institute for Environmental Studies - CRM 22: Fish Otolith
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinChek 8841 Whole blood, lyophilized, trace elements level II
Company database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinCheck 8931 - Urine Control lyophilised for Arsenic Species