
A selenoprotein is any protein that includes a selenocysteine residue. Selenoproteins exist in all major forms of life, eukaryote, eubacteria and archaea. Among eukaryotes, selenoproteins appear to be common in animals, but rare or absent in other phyla (one has been identified in the green alga Chlamydomonas, but none in other plants or in fungi). Among eubacteria and archaea, selenoproteins are only present in some lineages, while they are completely absent in many other phylogenetic groups.

The term "selenoprotein" was found in the following pages:

Does Selenium Prevent Cancer? It May Depend on Which Form People Take | EVISA's News
Adisseo obtains FDA approval on pure organic selenium feed additive | EVISA's News
EU approves new selenium compound for use as a nutritional supplement in animals | EVISA's News
Atomic Spectroscopy Virtual Symposium "C is for Chromatography'' | EVISA's Agenda of Events
New selenium metabolites found in human serum | EVISA's News
Researchers discover how selenium is incorporated into proteins | EVISA's News
A new Selenium-containing compound, Selenoneine, found as the predominant Se-species in the blood of Bluefin Tuna | EVISA's News
A hard nut cracked: Brazil nuts’ selenium compounds identified | EVISA's News
ICP-MS Analysis Suggests Metal-Binding Proteins Significantly More Abundant Than Thought | EVISA's News
Review: Selenium doesn't prevent cancer | EVISA's News
Trimethylselenonium is not the major metabolite for human cancer patients excreting high doses of selenium | EVISA's News
Books and Special Issues on Elemental Speciation (published since 2016) | EVISA's News
Researchers Reveal Selenium's Metabolism In Life-Giving Amino Acids | EVISA's News
Detoxification of Methylmercury in Higher Organisms | EVISA's News
New theory for the cause of Earth's mass extinctions: lack of essential selenium | EVISA's News
Selenoneine is a major selenium species in red blood cells of Inuit from Nunavik | EVISA's News
Selenoprotein P is required for normal sperm development | EVISA's News
New selenium-containing proteins identified in selenium-rich yeast | EVISA's News
Link database: Selenium and Livestock: Metabolism, Toxicity and Deficiency
Essentiality of selenium for brain development | EVISA's News