
a hard brittle, gray-white metal. Resistant to oxidation at ordinary temperatures. Used in computer parts, x-ray tubes, gyroscopes and rocket fuel additive.
Hazard: Highly toxic, especially by inhalation of dust. Long term exposure may cause weight loss, weakness, cough, extreme difficulty in breathing and cardiac failure.

The term "beryllium" was found in the following pages:

Link database: BGFA: Bewertung der Toxizität und Kanzerogenität von Beryllium
Link database: Chemical Fact Sheet: Polonium
Instrument database: Laser Analysis Technologies - Spectrolaser Target Gemstone Analyzer
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Matrix CRM - Soil, Sludge, Sediment: Trace Metals - Loamy Sand 1
All about certified reference materials (CRMs) | EVISA's News
ERM-AE671: A new Certified Reference Material to make methylmercury measurements in food more reliable | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Bruker AXS GmbH - S4 EXPLORER - WDXRF Spectrometer
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Matrix CRM - Soil, Sludge, Sediment: Trace Metals - Sandy Loam 9
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinCal 9985 Plasma calibrator lyophilised for trace elements: LOT 317
Material database: National Research Council of Canada (NRC - CNRC) - SLRS-5: River water reference material for trace metals
Material database: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - SRM 2677a
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinCal 9988 Urine calibrator lyophilised for trace elements
LGC Standards strengthens European central warehouse for reference materials | EVISA's News
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Matrix CRM - Soil, Sludge, Sediment: Trace Metals - Fresh Water Sediment 2
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Matrix CRM - Soil, Sludge, Sediment: Trace Metals - Sandy Loam 9
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Matrix CRM - Soil, Sludge, Sediment: Trace Metals - Fresh Water Sediment 2
Link database: ATSDR: Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM) Beryllium Toxicity
Instrument database: Bruker AXS GmbH - S8 TIGER
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinCal 9988 Urine calibrator lyophilised for trace elements: LOT 432
Material database: National Analysis Center for Iron & Steel (NACIS) - NCS ZC73013 - Trace Elements in Spinach