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Welcome to the August issue of EVISA's Speciation Newsletter !
The impact of climate change on our daily life with one "hottest summer ever" following the next one and forest fires all over the planet become marked by everybody. New research results from Harvard University scientists is now telling us that "climate change is not just about what the weather is like in 10 years," but "it's also about what's on your plate in the next five." The researchers have developed a model that explains how climate change and overfishing is leading to increasing mercury contamination of seafood species (see the news below).
Hexavalent chromium is a carcinogen and therefore on the European watch list of compounds of high concern. The industrial use of such compounds in the EU is regulated by REACH. More than 100 authorizations for different uses of chromates have
already been requested, some of these covering hundreds of workers,
which means that potentially thousands of workers are exposed to Cr(VI)
in these activities. To improve the knowledge about the occupational exposure of these workers, the EU human biomonitoring initiative has scheduled comprehensive human biomonitoring. The design of the study has been published recently (see the news below).
Seafood not only contains toxic mercury but also often high concentrations of arsenic. Whether these a real health concern is a question of the arsenic species present. A new study now has tried to answer that question for the top ten most consumed seafood species in the US (see the news below).
For many of you probably holidays are now over and important events are ahead (see the agenda of events).
EVISA is keeping you updated with what is going on in speciation analysis. In this section you will find news about the most current research results, about trends, legal issues and information from manufacturers in the field of speciation analysis.
With all the links to further information and publications the News archive is a valuable collection of "hot topics" in speciation analysis. We continuously update even former news with new links and information so that all news are actual all the time.
Climate change and overfishing are increasing toxic mercury levels in fish
Mercury levels in the seafood supply are on the rise, and climate change and overfishing are partially to blame, according to a new study.
EU wide human monitoring study on occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium
The EU human biomonitoring initiative has published its study design for human biomonitoring of occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium.
Arsenic species in the Most Consumed Seafoods in the USA
The total arsenic in seafood samples consumed in the USA varied greatly in the range of 8-22200 ng/g (wet mass). However the most toxic inorganic arsenic species (iAs) was found only in clams and crabs, while non-toxic arsenobetaine (AsB) predominates in most samples.
a list of about 50 current entries EVISA is informing you about
interesting events and keeps you updated with their deadlines. By
consulting our list of deadlines you won't miss the opportunity for
early registration at reduced fee or the chance to submit your
contribution in time.
more infos...
Date: October 6,2019 - October 11,2019 Location: Mendoza, Argentina September 13,2019 Submission of abstracts for late poster presentations
SciX 2019 Date: October 13,2019 - October 18,2019 Location: Palm Springs Convention Center September 28,2019 Early registration at reduced fee
Please do not hesitate to inform us in case that your conference related to speciation analysis is missing in our Agenda.
ICBIC 19: 19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Interlaken, Switzerland
11.08.2019 - 16.08.2019
Goldschmidt 2019 conference session: Trace Elements Speciation: Novel Methodologies and Insights into Transformations Influencing their Global Biogeochemical Cycle
18.08.2019 - 23.08.2019
Euroanalysis 2019: XX Euroanalysis
Istanbul, Turkey
01.09.2019 - 05.09.2019
CEST 2019: 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
Rhodes Island, Greece
04.09.2019 - 07.09.2019
ICMGP 2019: 14 th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant
Krakow, Poland
08.09.2019 - 13.09.2019
IMA-2019: 11th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Ioannina, Epirus, Greece
22.09.2019 - 25.09.2019
EVISA provides information about open positions for Ph.D. students, PostDocs and permanent staff in the field of speciation. Looking to fill a vacancy or needing a new career challenge? Either way this service is FREE. Many laboratories and research facilities (from Greenland to Crete) have already found their highly educated stuff through this service by EVISA. If you would like to post an open position here, please contact us at info@speciation.net !
LIEC, UMR 7360 CNRS‐Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre‐lès‐Nancy, France:
A PhD thesis position is available at the research team Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces, Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Continental Environments (LIEC, UMR 7360 CNRS‐Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre‐lès‐Nancy, France). The PhD project entitled 'Bacterial biosensors for trace metal detection: measurement and rationale of metal species speciation and toxicity via bacterial bioluminescence' concerns the measurement and interpretation of bioluminescence signal produced by metal-detecting whole cell sensors in relation to extracellular metal speciation and bioavailability processes.
IPREM, Pau, France: Environmental Sciences
The scietific team around Marie-Pierre Isaure at IPREM (Pau, France) is looking for a postdoctorial fellow that will work on both imaging and spectroscopy.
University of Crete: Marie Curie Fellowship
The group of Spiros A. Pergantis is currently seeking junior or experienced post-docs with an excellent track record in Analytical, Bioanalytical or Physical Chemistry, that are eligible and willing to apply for a Marie Sklodowska Curie fellowship. The group has hosted 5 Marie Curie postdoctoral fellows so far and has the expertise to prepare competitive research proposals under the MSCA scheme for the following research project:
Ion Mobility Spectrometry on-line with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry: A New Analytical Tool for Studying Physicochemical Matrix Effects Occurring in an Inductively Coupled Plasma, for Determining Metal Containing Nanoparticles and Metalloproteins
CEA-Saclay: Development of a nuclearised instrumental platform and associated methods to analyse actinide-peptide species of interest in nuclear toxicology
A Post-doctoral position is open in the Department of Physical Chemistry at CEA-Saclay (10-20 km near Paris).
University of Aberdeen, Scotland: Speciation analysis
The TESLA Laboratory at the University of Aberdeen is looking for three postdocs to work within three different projects.
Glass Expansion: European Operations Manager
Glass Expansion is a world leader in the design, manufacture and support of sample introduction system for ICP-OES and ICP-MS. It is establishing a new European office and distribution centre in Weilburg, Germany to provide technical and logistical support to our existing OEM, distributor and end-users around Europe. This newly created position is available for someone to set-up the new facilities, engage the team and then manage the new organization.
Agilent: Atomic Spectroscopy Product Specialist
Agilent is seeking an enthusiastic, people-oriented Product Specialist (m/f) for their fast growing atomic spectroscopy portfolio as part of Agilent's Life Sciences and Applied Markets. In this role you will drive the atomic spectroscopy business and ensure product penetration into by mastering the entire sales process from lead qualification to closing.
EVISA's directory of scientist is a versatile tool to facilitate contact with scientists in the field of speciation and related sciences. The directory is fully searchable for names, addresses, research topics etc. You should bookmark this directory as an always up-to-date address book. (In order to hinder SPAM robots for collecting the E-mail accounts, we hide them in a special format).
More than 290 active scientists in the field of speciation analysis already joined the directory. Join this great directory that is extensively linked to all type of other information on this site, such as homepages, conferences and literature.
If your entry is still missing in this directory, please contact us at info@speciation.net.
EVISA provides an easy access to external information. Our database contains more than 2800 links to relevant information from numerous top scientific resources spread over the whole Web. The database is searchable both via full-text and categories such as elements, type of species and type of information. We are permanently updating our links section.
If your web site is missing here, please e-mail your link information to info@speciation.net.
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Disclaimer No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. The Newsletter represents only the opinion of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Community. The European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of the information provided.