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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The 14th ICMGP will be first major event of testing the efficiency of implementation of the Minamata Convention in various parts of the world. Needs for improvement of our knowledge on mercury in the environment, as well as measures of improvement of the Minamata Convention implementation efficiency will be discussed. Therefore, the theme of the ICMGP will be:
Bridging knowledge on global mercury with environmental responsibility, human welfare and policy response.

Date: 08.09.2019 - 13.09.2019
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Krakow, Poland
Contact: Chairman of the ICMGP 2019:
Prof. Jozef M. Pacyna (jp@nilu.no)

Conference Organizing Office:
Ms. Angelika Baran (mercury2019@targi.krakow.pl)
Phone: +48 12 651 90 15
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄mercury2019krakow.com

The 14th ICMGP will follow the tradition of previous successful conferences with synthesis, detailed sessions, and presentations on mercury science, technology, management and health. This event will  also  be  the  opportunity  for  exhibition  of  most  recent  developed  equipment  to  measure mercury  in  various  environmental  samples,  and  technology  to  reduce  mercury  emissions  and exposure. We will encourage a diverse community of conference participants, including industry, government,  research  institutions,  NGOs  and  academics.  We  envision a  broadly  based  program that  would  include  plenary,  invited  and  contributed  oral  presentations,  poster  presentations, small   group   thematic   meetings,   opportunities   for   student   mentoring, demonstrations   by instrument  vendors,  and  networking. 


March 4,2019Submission of abstracts
July 8,2019Early registration at reduced fee

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