
Mercury, also called quicksilver, is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Hg (Latinized Greek: hydrargyrum, meaning watery or liquid silver) and atomic number 80. A heavy, silvery transition metal, mercury is one of five elements that are liquid at or near room temperature and pressure. (The others are the metals caesium, francium, and gallium, and the non-metal bromine.)

Mercury is used in thermometers, barometers and other scientific apparatus, though concerns about the element's toxicity have led to mercury thermometers being largely phased out in clinical environments in favour of alcohol-filled, digital or thermistor-based instruments. It remains in use in a number of other ways in scientific and scientific research applications, and in dental amalgam. Mercury is mostly obtained by reduction from the mineral, cinnabar.

Mercury occurs in deposits throughout the world and it is relatively harmless in an insoluble form, such as mercuric sulfide, but it is poisonous in soluble forms such as mercuric chloride or methylmercury.

The term "mercury" was found in the following pages:

Instrument database: Princeton Applied Research - 303A Static Mercury Drop Electrode
Link database: The Scientist: Mercury in the brains of polar bears
Material database: ISC Science - IES-Hg199 199Hg-enriched standard solution
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Matrix CRM - Soil, Sludge, Sediment: Trace Metals - Sandy Loam 6
Link database: Copper Development Association: Uses of Copper Compounds: Copper Compounds
Chemical speciation analysis for the life sciences | EVISA's News
New study will investigate the influence of environmental factors in autism | EVISA's News
New Study Reveals Dangerous Mercury Levels Among Delegates at Minamata Mercury Convention COP1 | EVISA's News
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinChek 8842 Whole blood, lyophilized, trace elements level III: LOT 445
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinChek 8840 Whole blood, lyophilized, trace elements level I: LOT 445
X-ray absortption spectroscopy for speciation analysis | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Aurora Instruments Ltd. - TRACE 800 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Mercury 'speciation analysis' by using thermal desorption analysis | EVISA's News
Link database: USGS: Mercury in the Environment
Link database: YouTube: The Vaccine-Autism Connection
Material database: IRMM - Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements - BCR-142R - Light sandy soil
Instrument database: CETAC Technologies - QuickTrace M-7500 Mercury Analyzer
Microbeam analysis of dental amalgam reveals high mobility of mercury | EVISA's News
Material database: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - SRM 1947 - Lake Michigan Fish Tissue
Instrument database: Bio-Rad Laboratories - UV Detector With Conductivity Monitor