Development of new analytical methods for detection and speciation of metal ions, organometals, metalobiomolecules as well as organic compounds in the marine environment and food samples.
- Nanotechnological approaches for trace element analysis, speciation and metallomics in the environment.
- Design of plasmonic and fluorescent nanosensors
- Design of nanosorbents for preconcentration.
- Studies of mobility, distribution, bioavailability and accumulation of metal species in environmental samples (soils, sediments, seawater).
- Design of miniaturized analytical techniques for in situ detection of pollutants.
- Development of microextraction approaches.
- Development of microfluidic platforms for environment quality monitoring.
- Green methods in Analytical Chemistry.
- Use of microwaves, ultrasound and UV radiation in the previous operations of the analytical methodology
- Applications of Atomic Spectrometry techniques for trace element analysis and speciation (ETAAS, HG-AAS, CV-AAS, AFS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, TXRF).
- Applications of chemometrics in combination with multielemental analysis techniques (ICP-MS; ICP-OES; TXRF) for establishing food authentification, and environmental pollution sources.