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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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About Speciation

Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry as a Detection System for Speciation Analysis
Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (AFS) represents a suitable alternative to the other atomic and mass spectrometric techniques. Since atomic fluorescence can be quenched by many molecules, an effectiv...

Australian Legislation related to Speciation
There are very few regulations based on elemental species in Australia and New Zealand....

Brief summary: Speciation analysis for the study of metallodrugs and their biomolecular interactions
Chemical speciation analysis plays an important role for studying the biological activity, metabolism and side-effects of metal-based pharmaceuticals. It is expected that the enhanced information lev...

CE-ICP-MS for speciation analysis
The complexity of many environmental and biological matrices and the need to discriminate among analytes that have very close physicochemical properties prompted the development of high-resolution sep...

Certified Reference Materials for Chemical Speciation Analysis
Certified reference materials are a major tool for laboratories to monitor the performance of their analyical work. Similarly to other measurement fields, speciation analysis requires the availability...

Chemical speciation analysis for nutrition and food science
The enhanced information obtained by chemical speciation analysis is not only a prerequisite for the evaluation of the nutritional value or the assessment of health risk related to toxic species in fo...

Chemical speciation analysis for the life sciences
In the area of life sciences, chemical analysis is meant to provide information about the metabolism, function and toxicity of chemical compounds in biological organisms and by this help to study the ...

Chemical Speciation Modeling
Chemical speciation modeling tries to predict the composition of a system using thermodynamic data, reaction kinetics and transport phenomena....

Chemical vapour generation as a sample introduction technique for speciation analysis
There are several techniques for speciation analysis that rely on elemental detection using atomic spectrometry, along with a separation technique to differentiate between different species. For liqui...

Directory of scientists
You may search for a name, an institution, an address, a research interest or available instrumentation. Alternatively you may browse the directory of scientists sorted alphabetically by family names...

Don't miss these deadlines !!
Deadlines coming soon, coming later or already gone....

Error sources in speciation analysis - Overview
Speciation analysis is often considered to be complex, prone to all kind of problems and therefore only manageable by experts. While indeed speciation analysis is more complex than trace element anal...

EU ratification propels global Minamata Convention on Mercury into force
Last week the EU and seven of its member states (Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, and Sweden) ratified the Minamata Convention on Mercury, thereby providing the “tipping p...

Events related to trace elements and their speciation
You may search for keywords in our Agenda of Events within a specified period of time. Please do not hesitate to inform us in case that your conference related to speciation analysis is missing in o...

EVISA's Web Portal: A Beacon of Quality in Trace Element and Speciation Analysis
EVISA's web portal stands as a beacon of reliable information in the realm of trace element and speciation analysis. More than just a repository, it's a meticulously curated resource designed to equip...

Flow-injection inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for speciation analysis
Flow-injection is a technique to perform sample manipulations such as reagent addition, dilution, preconcentration and simple separations with a manifold on-line coupled with the detection system. ...

Fractionation as a first step towards speciation analysis
According to IUPAC, speciation analysis is the analytical activity of identifying and/or measuring the quantities of one or more individual chemical species in a sample. Unfortunately that goal canno...

Gas chromatography for the separation of elemental species
Gas chromatography is a very effective sample introduction technique for atomic spectroscopy because of the absence of a condensed mobile phase and the very high separation efficiency. Unfortunately, ...

GC-ICP-MS: A very sensitive hyphenated system for speciation analysis
Gas chromatography is a very effective sample introduction technique for atomic spectroscopy because of the absence of a condensed mobile phase and the very high separation efficiency. Unfortunately, ...

Gel electrophoresis combined with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for speciation analysis
Gel electrophoresis (GE) is the benchmark for high resolution protein separation, particularly in two-dimensional (2-D) format. However the application of GE for the speciation analysis of metallic-sp...

History of Speciation Conferences
While there are many conferences and symposia having sections on speciation analysis, there a few totally dedicated to speciation analysis. Following these conference is helpful for the understanding ...

How did elemental speciation develop ?
The rapid development of inorganic instrumental analysis after World War II, mainly driven by the development of atomic spectrometry, enabled the analytical community to look into the role of trace el...

ICP-MS: A versatile detection system for trace element and speciation analysis
Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a very sensitive, element selective detection system, which hyphenated with a separation module such as HPLC, GC or CE becomes a very versatile...

Isotope dilution analysis using ICP-MS detection for trace element speciation
Accuracy of quantification in speciation analysis is critical dependent on the calibration strategy. Speciation analysis in general is more complex and time-consuming than more simple total element an...

Isotopic measurements and speciation analysis
Isotopic analysis and speciation analysis are distinct techniques with different objectives, yet there can be some overlap in specific applications....

LC-ICP-MS: The most often used hyphenated system for speciation analysis
Coupling of Liquid Chromatography with ICP-MS is straightforward. Nebulizers are available that can accept the effluent from standard, µ-HPLC and even nano-HPLC. With all the different possiblities of...

Liquid-liquid extraction in speciation analysis
Since most of the elemental detection methods are based on atomic spectrometry or elemental mass spectrometry, they do not provide any species related information. Using these techniques for speciatio...

Mercury 'speciation analysis' by using thermal desorption analysis
Thermal desorption analysis for mercury is a method to obtain information about different mercury fractions in solid samples by separating them based on their desorption temperature. ...

Multielement speciation analysis
Typical speciation analysis seldom involves multielement analysis, simply because the focus of interest is often on the speciation of a single target element. However, the multielement capabilities of...

Nanoparticles - a target for speciation analysis
During the last 20 years, the analytical community has widened the target area for speciation analysis by a new type of species: nanoparticles. Here we give access to techniques and methods used, as w...

Non-chromatographic separation techniques for speciation analysis
Speciation analysis focusing on the determination of elemental species is relying on highly sensitive and also selective analytical methods. Only very few techniques provide such detection power. Most...

Problems to be solved in the field of speciation analysis
The major challenge of chemical speciation analysis is the isolation, separation and quantification of the species leaving the original compound intact, which may be in some kind of equilibrium state ...

REACH: Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals
The European Commission proposed a new EU regulatory framework for the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) on 29 October 2003.     Aims of REACH The aim is to im...

Research fields related to elemental speciation
The research fields for elemental speciation analysis are manifold and cannot be discussed in detail here. However some major fields should be mentioned: Environmental risk analysis with its main tas...

Sample preservation for speciation analysis - General recommendations
Since techniques and methods for direct in-situ speciation analysis are very limited, samples have to be taken, brought to the laboratory and stored for later analysis. The preservation of the chemica...

Solid-phase extraction in speciation analysis
Solid phase extraction (SPE) is the most common and widespread separation method used for analyte enrichment, matrix removal and medium exchange....

Speciation Analysis - Striving for Quality
Concepts for assuring the quality of analytical measurements such as GLP and QA/QC are well established if not integral part of modern state-of-the-art methods for trace element analysis. Wheresoever ...

Speciation analysis as a tool to enhance the quality of life
Speciation analysis provides the information necessary to describe the effects of active species (Why should it be done ?) which is not available from the results of total trace element determinations...

Speciation and Toxicity
In classical toxicology, speciation of carbon is taken for granted and the carbon compounds responsible for toxicity are always described with the appropriate chemical nomenclature. By contrast, speci...

Speciation as a discipline in Analytical Chemistry – Definitions
The International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has published guidelines or recommendations for the definition of speciation analysis: Speciation analysis is the analytical activity of...

Speciation matters even if the interest is in total element concentration
Often we hear the argument that people stay away from speciation analysis because the chemistry involved is so complex. However, chemistry is as it is and does not change just because of your interest...

Speciation News

Species of interest
Depending on the area of interest, elemental speciation analysis is focussing on chemical compounds that differ in isotopic composition, conformation, oxidation or electronic state, or in the nature o...

Species transformation during speciation analysis
Species transformation is a special problem for speciation analysis, since changing speciation during analysis may bias or even corrupt the analytical result....

Standard methods for arsenic speciation analysis
Standard methods for arsenic speciation analysis have been developed, validated and approved by standardization bodies for special application fields. ...

Standard methods for chromium speciation analysis
Standard methods for chromium speciation analysis have been developed, validated and approved by standardization bodies for special application fields....

Standard methods for elemental speciation analysis
Standard methods for elemental speciation analysis have been developed, validated and approved by standardization bodies for special application fields....

Standard methods for mercury speciation analysis
Standard methods for speciation analysis have been developed, validated and approved by standardization bodies for special application fields....

Standard methods for tin speciation analysis
Standard methods for tin speciation analysis have been developed, validated and approved by standardization bodies for special application fields. ...

The role of electrochemical techniques for speciation analysis
Electrochemical techniques provide valuable tools for speciation analysis due to their high sensitivity, selectivity, and ability to work in complex matrices. ...

The role of elemental speciation in legislation
Our understanding for the mechanisms of biological activities and biogeochemical cycling of mineral and trace element species has been substantially advanced during recent years with the help of chemi...

The role of speciation analysis in material science
Speciation analysis plays a crucial role in material science by providing insights into the distribution and chemical forms of elements within a material. ...

Tools for elemental speciation analysis: Hyphenated techniques
The tools for chemical speciation analysis are manifold. Very few species-specific techniques do, however, allow direct speciation analysis. These include Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron s...

Toxicity of arsenic species
Arsenic, a naturally occurring metalloid, is ubiquitously present in the environment. Arsenic has been listed in the first class of human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer ...

Trace element speciation analysis for environmental sciences
Chemical speciation analysis for the environment is needed to provide information about the status as well as the processes involved for the emission, cycling, degradation and fate of matter in the en...

Types of Chemical Species
The International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has published guidelines or recommendations for the definition of speciation analysis. According to these definitions, chemical species a...

Under the sections below we report about open positions related to speciation analysis that have been announced to us. If you have such information that you would like to share with the community of...

What is the use for total element concentrations ?
Since only speciation analysis provides the information about the identity of chemical species and there concentration, the question about the value of the often performed "total element determination...

Why is elemental speciation analysis not done routinely ?
  Historically trace metal and non-metal analyses have mainly evolved through the development of atomic spectrometry after world war II. Unfortunately, sources for atomic spectrometry (atomizers...

Why should elemental speciation be done ?
Whenever an analyst is producing data on the presence and/or concentration level of elements in a sample, the data are meant to answer one of the following questions depending on the nature of the sam...

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