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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Brief summary: Speciation analysis for the study of metallodrugs and their biomolecular interactions



Metal-based pharmaceuticals (metallodrugs) have received special attention, because of their biomolecule-analog structure. The central metal ion in metal-based pharmaceuticals is usually the key feature of action and fulfills several tasks:
  • forms the active binding site and influences reactivity,
  • determines the structure of the respective molecule,
  • shows strong structural analogy to naturally occurring metal-based substances ? good pharmacokinetic properties

Metallodrugs can be differentiated into therapeutic and diagnostic agents:
Therapeutic agents:

  • Anti-cancer chemotherapeutica (Pt, Ru, Rh, Ti, Ga, As )
  • Anti-arthritic therapeutica (Au)
  • Anti-diabetes therapeutica (V(V/IV), Cr(III), Mo(VI), W(VI), Zn(II), Cu(II), Mn(III))
  • Anti-viral agents (Au)
  • Anti-bacterial agents (Hg, Ag)
  • Anti-protozoans (Sb, As )
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, stomach ulcer (Bi, Al)
  • Organometallic compounds as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy

Diagnostic agents:

  • MRI contrast agents (Gd)
  • Radiocontrast agents (Ba, I)
  • Metal-based therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals (Tc )

Chemical analysis is used to:

  • Characterize the agent and its interaction
  • Study its pharmacokinetics and metabolism
  • Investigate its function and site-effects
  • Support pre-clinical and clinical evaluation
  • Optimize and monitor treatment
  • Support chemistry based drug design

NB!: It can be expected that the enhanced information provided by chemical speciation analysis will be valuable for the understanding of the functioning and mechanisms involved, guiding future drug design. 

A well designed sampling strategy is a key to obtaining valuable information.

Fractionation allows to study the distribution of metallodrugs between different compartments, such as:

  • Blood components
  • Low/High molecular components

Time based sampling allows to study the kinetics of the metallodrug with respect to:

  • Excretion via urine and other routes           
  • Hydrolysis and metabolism           
  • Interaction with blood components
  • Distribution within different compartments  

Localized sampling allows to study the distribution with respect to:

  • Distribution between different organs (animal experiments)
  • Distribution between different compartments or regions   

Metal determination can be based on any appropriate technique such as: AAS (ETAAS), ICP-AES, ICP-MS, TXRF.

The obtainable information depends on the applied technique and methodology. Molecular and elemental detection delivers complementary information allowing the identification (ESI-MS) and quantification (ICP-MS) of interactions between metallodrugs  and biomolecules.

Concentration  of the metallodrug in patients blood
scheduled sampling
Pharmacokinetics of the metallodrug in patients blood
time series sampling
Stability/Hydrolysis of the metallodrug
time series sampling
Observation of the interaction of metallodrug with selected blood components
incubation/time series sampling/fractionation
Quantification of metabolites
incubation/time series sampling
Identification of metabolites, identification of binding sites
incubation/time series sampling
Distribution of metallodrugs accross tissues
Element mapping

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last time modified: December 13, 2023


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