biological activity

The specific activity or capacity of a product to achieve a defined biological effect. Potency is the quantitative measure of biological activity.

The term "biological activity" was found in the following pages:

Journals database: Antioxidants
Speciomics as a concept involving chemical speciation and omics | EVISA's News
Link database: Australia: University of Western Sydney: Biologically Active Drugs by Design Group
EVISA welcomed its 15 Millionth User | EVISA's News
Research fields related to elemental speciation
Why should elemental speciation be done ?
All about food sciences | EVISA's News
How did elemental speciation develop ?
Material database: National Research Council of Canada (NRC - CNRC) - DOLT-5 Dogfish Liver Certified Reference Material for Trace Metals aqnd other Constituents
New selenium-containing proteins identified in selenium-rich yeast | EVISA's News
Brief summary: Speciation analysis for the study of metallodrugs and their biomolecular interactions | EVISA's News
Journals database: Archiv der Pharmazie
Brief summary: Speciation analysis for the study of metallo-drugs and their biomolecular interactions | EVISA's News
Scientific publications with participation of EVISA | EVISA's News
Material database: National Research Council of Canada (NRC - CNRC) - HISS-1 Marine Sediment Reference Materials for Trace Metals and other Constituents
EVISA welcomed its 16 Millionth User | EVISA's News
Speciation analysis for cancer diagnosis | EVISA's News
Journals database: Natural Product Reports
Elemental speciation is going commercial | EVISA's News
Agilent Technologies publishes 2nd Edition of its Handbook of Hyphenated ICP-MS Applications | EVISA's News