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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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EVISA welcomed its 16 Millionth User


We have actually welcomed more than 16 Million visitors on EVISA's web portal (March 2021), more than 1.74 Million during the year 2020. The users have downloaded more than 15.5 Million pages during the year 2020.

While Google has downgraded our webportal during the years mostly because of its old-fashioned web design, it is our faithful user community that tells us that the information value provided by EVISA is highly accepted. Unfortunately it is not very easy to update the web design by keeping the content of more than 17000 pages full of information. Anyhow, EVISA has become the primary information site for all those interested in speciation and trace element analysis. This community is limited in size, is mostly aware of the EVISA web portal and therefore we do not expect any further substantial growth. We are also not doing what would boost the traffic on our site without enhancing the information value of the site. No links to social media, no external advertising (apart from our partners), no page deviding, no reloading of already cached information. We hope that you are enjoying the absence of any distracting "information" not provided by us on our site and the fast response of our server.

The European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA) is working since more than 18 years for promoting speciation analysis and will do so in the future as long as our user community is supporting us. Beside many other activities, EVISA is acting as a

  • broker between costumers having speciation related demands and partner laboratories offering solutions,
  • consultant, informing industry, legislators and other third parties about the capabilities of speciation analysis,
  • research promoter, initiating the development of easy and robust methods for speciation analysis, enhancing the quality of analytical results and the information provided by speciation analysis
  • information provider, giving easy access to valuable speciation related information, enhancing the knowledge about the biological activity, function and toxicity of chemical species.
The EVISA web portal at www.speciation.net is giving access to valuable speciation related information on more than 17,000 pages. Such information is  spread over an ever-growing number of places on the internet without any stability over time. Information, that was available yesterday, is disappearing again tomorrow.  It is however the EVISA web portal that provides unbiased information by offering an overview of available techniques and materials related to speciation analysis and informs about new research results, standards and regulations or upcoming events. We also work hard to keep information up-to-date over long time periods. You therefore can always come back to pages bookmarked even years ago.

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Related EVISA News

December 16, 2005: One year EVISA speciation Newsletter - Two years of EVISA web site operation - Time to look back

last time modified: September 19, 2024


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