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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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EVISA welcomes its one millionth visitor


This success story is the result of the continuing work of EVISA to create a web portal that serves its community with valuable information. EVISA's database system is steadily growing and kept actual and has reached more than 14,000 pages.  Different but intensively linked databases inform about the characteristics of elemental species (physical, chemical and biological data on elemental species), their determination (methods, instrumentation, standards and reference materials) and legislation. EVISA's directory of scientists provides the contact channels to colleagues doing research in this area and EVISA's Agenda of events informs about interesting events related to different aspects of elemental speciation. Extensive linking both to internal but also to external websites empowers the user to access valuable information with only a few clicks.

Google is recognizing the value of EVISA's webportal as the primary information source in the area of chemical speciation with a ranking of 6/10. 

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last time modified: May 21, 2024


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