EVISA welcomed its 13 Millionth User
The EVISA web portal at www.speciation.net, being on-line without any interruption since 17 years, has been visited by more than 13 Million visitors until now.
We have actually welcomed more than 13 Million visitors on EVISA's
web portal (June 2019), about 1.5 Million during the year 2018. The users
have downloaded about 15 Mio. pages during the year 2018.
It is our faithful user community that tells us that the
information value provided by EVISA is highly accepted. During the years, EVISA has become the primary information site for all those interested in speciation and trace element analysis.
The European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA) is working since more than 17 years for promoting speciation analysis. EVISA is acting as an - event organizer, offering workshops, training courses and symposia for topics related to trace element and speciation analysis,
- broker between costumers having speciation related demands and partner laboratories offering solutions,
- consultant, informing industry, legislators and other third parties about the capabilities of speciation analysis,
- information provider, giving easy access to valuable speciation related information.
The EVISA web portal at www.speciation.net is giving access to valuable speciation related information on about 16,700 pages. While such information was not easily accessible when EVISA started in 2003, the situation has changed during the last 15 years. Meanwhile most instrument manufacturers and analytical service providers offer at least a "landing page" informing about their products and services related to speciation analysis.
It is however the EVISA web portal that provides unbiased information by offering an overview of available techniques and materials related to speciation analysis and informs about new research results, standards and regulations or upcoming events.
The "Atomic Spectrometry Update" (ASU) Board of the "Journal of
Analytical Atomic Spectrometry" that reviews the literature about
speciation commented in 2009 about the quality of the information provided by
the EVISA web portal: "While much of the material on the World Wide Web
is of uncertain quality, the European Virtual Institute for Speciation
Analysis (EVISA) (home page, https://speciation.net/) is an important
source of information highlighting significant developments in the area
and is also regularly updated".
Related Information
December 16, 2005: One year EVISA speciation Newsletter - Two years of EVISA web site operation - Time to look back last time modified: July 17, 2019