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Liquid chromatography hyphenated with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (LC-ICP-OES) for speciation analysis


Components and Mechanisms

Liquid Chromatography (LC):
  • LC separates different species of an element based on their chemical properties, such as polarity, size, or charge.
  • The diverse separation mechanisms available in LC techniques provide a versatile toolbox for various separation tasks.

Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES):
  • ICP-OES detects separated species by measuring the intensity of emitted light at specific wavelengths corresponding to the element of interest.
  • Available in both monochromator and polychromator configurations, it can handle single-element or multi-element speciation tasks.
Hyphenation and Operation

Physical Coupling:
  • The LC column effluent is directed to the ICP-OES sample introduction system.
  • A variety of nebulizers are available to accommodate flow rates from nanoliters per minute (nL/min) to milliliters per minute (mL/min).
  • Proper sample introduction systems and minimizing post-column dispersion by avoiding dead volumes and using appropriate tubing and connectors are crucial to maintaining chromatographic separation power.

Software and Signal Evaluation:
  • Special software supports transient signal evaluation for LC-ICP-OES.
  • The linear working range is limited compared to conventional steady-state signal evaluation, as it relies on pre-selected integration times.
  • A wider working range can be achieved by selecting analyte lines of different sensitivities and choosing the best signal channel for evaluation.
Advantages and Disadvantages

Detection Power:
  • ICP-OES detection power is generally about two orders of magnitude lower than that of ICP-MS.
  • However, ICP-OES can tolerate much higher matrix concentrations than ICP-MS, reducing the need for sample dilution and partly compensating for its lower sensitivity.

Matrix Tolerance:
  • The high matrix tolerance of ICP-OES allows for the analysis of samples with less preparation and dilution, making it suitable for complex matrices.

Multi-element Detection:

  • A polychromator in ICP-OES provides simultaneous multi-element detection, enhancing its efficiency for certain applications.

Comparison with LC-ICP-MS
  • LC-ICP-MS offers lower detection limits and isotopic analysis capabilities, leading to its increased popularity.
  • LC-ICP-MS is more commonly reported in scientific literature, with about ten times more publications than LC-ICP-OES.
  • Despite this, LC-ICP-OES remains valuable when ultra-low detection limits are not required.

Recent Applications

Industrial and Chemical Analysis:
  • Speciation of metals in catalysts to understand their activity and stability.
  • Analysis of metal species in various industrial materials and products.

Environmental Samples:
  • Examination of element species such as aluminium, iron, silicon, or phosphorus in environmental samples where concentrations are higher than trace levels.

In conclusion, LC-ICP-OES is a robust and versatile technique for speciation analysis, particularly useful in scenarios where high matrix tolerance and multi-element detection are advantageous. Its applications span industrial, chemical, and environmental fields, making it a significant tool in modern analytical chemistry.

 Reviews of LC-ICP-OES (newest first)

Heena Rekhi, Susheela Rani, Neha Sharma & Ashok Kumar Malik, A Review on Recent Applications of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography in Metal Determination and Speciation Analysis, Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem., 47/6 (2017) 524-537. DOI: 10.1080/10408347.2017.1343659

Toni Llorente-Mirandes, Roser Rubio, José Fermín López-Sánchez, Inorganic Arsenic Determination in Food: A Review of Analytical Proposals and Quality Assessment Over the Last Six Years, Applied Spectroscopy, 71/1 (2017) 25–69. DOI: 10.1177/0003702816652374

Rajmund Michalski, Sebastian Szopa, Magdalena Jabłonska, Aleksandra Łyko, Application of Hyphenated Techniques in Speciation Analysis of Arsenic, Antimony, and Thallium, The ScientificWorld Journal, 2012, Article ID 902464. DOI: 10.1100/2012/902464

José Luis Gómez-Ariza, Elham Zeini Jahromi, Macarena González-Fernández, Tamara García-Barreraa, Jürgen Gailer, Liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-based metallomic approaches to probe health-relevant interactions between xenobiotics and mammalian organisms, Metallomics, 3 (2011) 566–577. DOI: 10.1039/c1mt00037c

Fabien Chainet, Charles-Philippe Lienemann, Marion Courtiade, Jérémie Ponthus, Olivier Francois Xavier Donard, Silicon speciation by hyphenated techniques for environmental, biological and industrial issues: A review, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 26 (2011) 30-51. DOI: 10.1039/c0ja00152j

Jacek Namieśnik, Anna Rabajczyk, The Speciation of Aluminum in Environmental Samples, Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem., 40/2 (2010) 68 — 88. DOI: 10.1080/10408340903153234

Guilhem Caumette, Charles-Philippe Lienemann, Isabelle Merdrignac, Brice Bouyssiere, Ryszard Lobinski, Element speciation analysis of petroleum and related materials, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 24 (2009) 263–276. DOI: 10.1039/b817888g

Heather L. Peters, Bradley T. Jones, Determination of Non-metals by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Inductively Coupled Plasma Detection, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews,38/1 (2003) 71 — 99. DOI: 10.1081/ASR-120018182

Les Ebdon, Andy Fisher, The use of ICP-AES as a detector for elemental speciation studies, in: J.A. Caruso, K.L. Sutton and K.L. Ackley (Eds.), Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Vol. XXXIII (2000) 227-248. DOI: 10.1016/S0166-526X(00)80018-5

Further chapters on techniques and methodology for speciation analysis:

Chapter 1: Tools for elemental speciation
Chapter 2: ICP-MS - A versatile detection system for speciation analysis
Chapter 3: LC-ICP-MS - The most often used hyphenated system for speciation analysis
Chapter 4: GC-ICP-MS- A very sensitive hyphenated system for speciation analysis
Chapter 5: CE-ICP-MS for speciation analysis
Chapter 6: ESI-MS: The tool for the identification of species
Chapter 7: Speciation Analysis - Striving for Quality
Chapter 8: Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry as a Detection System for Speciation Analysis
Chapter 9: Gas chromatography for the separation of elemental species
Chapter 10: Plasma source detection techniques for gas chromatography
Chapter 11: Fractionation as a first step towards speciation analysis
Chapter 12: Flow-injection inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for speciation analysis
Chapter 13: Gel electrophoresis combined with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for speciation analysis
Chapter 14: Non-chromatographic separation techniques for speciation analysis Chapter 21: Chemical vapor generation as a sample introduction technique for speciation analysis
Chapter 23: Isotopic measurements and speciation analysis

EVISA News related to LC-ICP-OES for speciation analysis (newest first)

November 9, 2024: Ion chromatography hyphenated with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (IC-ICP-OES) for the determination of inositol phosphates in food and feed

August 14, 2021: Iron species determination by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with plasma source atomic emission spectrometry

last time modified: December 23, 2024


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