
in analysis: refers to the analytical sample, considered as an assemblage of constituents, with all their individual properties. The combined effect that the various constituents of the matrix may exert on the measure of the analysis of the element is referredto as the matrix effect.

The term "matrix" was found in the following pages:

Instrument database: Shimadzu Corporation - ICPS-7510 Sequential Plasma Emission Spectrometer
Instrument database: Beijing Rayleigh Analytical Instrument Corporation (BRAIC) - WFX-210 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Instrument database: SII Nano Technology Inc. - SPS 3500 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer
New Human Hair Reference Material Supporting the Biomonitoring of Methylmercury | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Thermo Scientific - iCAP™ PRO XPS ICP-OES
Instrument database: Analytik Jena GmbH - novAA® 400
Material database: National Research Council of Canada (NRC - CNRC) - FEBS-1 Otolith Certified Reference Material for Trace Metals
EspeQBrasil 2010: 2nd Brazilian Meeting on Chemical Speciation | EVISA's Agenda of Events
Material database: Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM) - BAM-H010 Plastic Reference Material
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Matrix CRM - Soil, Sludge, Sediment: Trace Metals - Sandy Loam 9
Instrument database: GERSTEL GmbH & Co.KG - ALEX AutomatedLinerEXchange
Company database: Autoscribe Limited
Instrument database: Analytik Jena GmbH - contrAA 700 - High-Resolution Continuum Source Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Gadolinium speciation analysis in search for the cause of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Shimadzu Europe - MALDImini-1
Instrument database: Analytik Jena AG - mercur – Combined AAS/AFS spectrometer for mercury determination
Material database: National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) - NIES CRM 23: Tea Leaves II
Spatially resolved speciation analysis: A new technique based on laser ablation with simultaneous elemental and molecular mass spectrometry | EVISA's News
Material database: NIES - National Institute for Environmental Studies - CRM 23: Tea Leaves II
Instrument database: Teledyne CETAC Technologies - LSX-200 Plus - Laser ablation system