
in analysis: refers to the analytical sample, considered as an assemblage of constituents, with all their individual properties. The combined effect that the various constituents of the matrix may exert on the measure of the analysis of the element is referredto as the matrix effect.

The term "matrix" was found in the following pages:

Instrument database: Thermo Scientific - ID 100 Autodilutor for ICP-MS
Instrument database: Analytik Jena GmbH - PlasmaQuant MS
Instrument database: Dionex Corporation - ICS-2100 Integrated Reagent-Free IC System
Instrument database: Perkin-Elmer SCIEX - ELAN 6000
Link database: US FDA: Elemental Analysis Manual: Section 4.10: HPLC-ICP-MS Determination of Four Arsenic Species in Fruit Juice
Journals database: American Journal of Pathology
Instrument database: Baird - ICP 2000 - Simultaneous Plasma Emission Spectrometer
Instrument database: Analytik Jena GmbH - PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000
Instrument database: ESA Inc. - 5600A CoulArray
Chlorine speciation analysis in complex hydrocarbons using GC-ICP-MS/MS | EVISA's News
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Matrix CRM - Soil, Sludge, Sediment: Trace Metals - Loamy Sand 2
Component database: Glass Expansion - Tracey cyclonic spraychamber
Instrument database: Buck Scientific - 210VGP Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Material database: National Research Council of Canada (NRC - CNRC) - SELM-1 Selenium enriched yeast certified reference material
Instrument database: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co. KG - LR 20 control automatic (Large scale still)
Instrument database: Analytik Jena AG - ZEEnit 700
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Matrix CRM - Soil, Sludge, Sediment: Trace Metals - Sandy Clay 1
Material database: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - SRM 98b - Plastic Clay
Analysis of selenium nanoparticles in human plasma | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Teledyne Tekmar - SOLATek 72 Multi-Matrix Vial Autosampler