Welcome to the January issue of EVISA's Speciation Newsletter !

Reflecting on 2024: A Year of Growth and Challenges

As we step into a new year, let us take a moment to reflect on the milestones of 2024. The EVISA website welcomed over 2.8 million users during the year, marking an impressive 62% increase compared to the previous year. In December 2024, we celebrated our 23 millionth visitor, a testament to the platform’s enduring value to the speciation and analytical sciences community.

Despite this growth, we regret to announce that some long-standing supporters—instrument manufacturers who have partnered with us since our early days—discontinued their support in 2024. This decision not only impacts their visibility on our platform but also reduces access to critical information about their instruments for their customers (see the news section below).

Staying True to the IUPAC Definition of Speciation

According to IUPAC, chemical species are defined as specific forms of an element characterized by their isotopic composition, electronic or oxidation state, and/or complex or molecular structure. Interestingly, scientists conducting isotope ratio determinations often do not describe their work as "speciation analysis." At EVISA, we adhere to the IUPAC definition and aim to promote a unified understanding of the term.

In line with this, a research team led by UC Santa Cruz has unveiled a groundbreaking strontium isotope map of Sub-Saharan Africa, showcasing unique “geologic fingerprints” across the continent. This sophisticated tool holds immense potential for tracing origins in archaeology and combating wildlife trafficking.

Advancing Analytical Sciences

The progress of analytical sciences, particularly in the realm of speciation analysis, hinges on innovations in methodology and instrumentation. EVISA remains committed to reporting on the latest advancements.

This month, we celebrate Shimadzu Corporation’s 150th anniversary, a remarkable milestone for a company that has been at the forefront of scientific innovation since its founding in Kyoto on March 31, 1875. To commemorate this achievement, Shimadzu has launched a special anniversary website, inviting the global community to join the celebration (see the news section below).

EVISA is also continuing its series of “Brief Summaries” with a new chapter on X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). This powerful technique enables direct speciation analysis of solid samples without requiring prior species extraction. The new summary provides access to:
  •     A comprehensive list of synchrotron facilities worldwide.
  •     Tutorial and introductory materials.
  •     Key reviews on XAS methodology.
  •     A curated list of XAS-related news and developments.
Upcoming Conferences

Speciation topics related to plasma sources for analysis will take center stage at the 20th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, scheduled for early March in Berlin. Poster presentation submissions are still open until February 17, offering an excellent opportunity to share insights and connect with peers.

EVISA is keeping you updated with what is going on in speciation analysis. In this section you will find news about the most current research results, about trends, legal issues and information from manufacturers in the field of speciation analysis.

With all the links to further information and publications the News archive is a valuable collection of "hot topics" in speciation analysis. We continuously update even former news with new links and information so that all news are actual all the time.

EVISA's web portal: Back to a trajectory of growth
The EVISA web portal at www.speciation.net, being on-line without any interruption more than 20 years, has been visited by more than 23 Million visitors until now.

First strontium isotope map of Sub-Saharan Africa is a powerful tool for tracing origins in archaeology and wildlife trafficking
A team of researchers led by UC Santa Cruz recently released a sophisticated new map that reveals, for the first time, the unique “geologic fingerprints” for most of the African continent.

150 Years of Innovation: Shimadzu Corporation to Mark 150th Anniversary with Special Celebrations
Duisburg, January 06, 2025 Shimadzu Corporation, a pioneer in scientific instrumentation and technology, is proud to announce the celebration of its 150th anniversary. Founded in Kyoto on March 31, 1875, Shimadzu has been at the forefront of innovation and excellence in science and technology for over a century and a half. To commemorate this significant milestone, Shimadzu Corporation has launched a special website today, inviting everyone to join in the celebration.

X-ray absorption spectroscopy for speciation analysis
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful technique used for speciation analysis, which involves identifying and quantifying the different chemical forms of an element in a sample.

With a list of about 50 current entries EVISA is informing you about interesting events and keeps you updated with their deadlines. By consulting our list of deadlines you won't miss the opportunity for early registration at reduced fee or the chance to submit your contribution in time.

EWCPS 2025: 20th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
Date:     March 2,2025 - March 7,2025
Location:     Berlin, Germany
February 17,2025    Submission of abstracts for posters

DGMS 2025: 56. DGMS-Jahrestagung
Date:     March 4,2025 - March 7,2025
Location:     Göttingen, Germany
January 15,2025    Submission of abstracts
February 7,2025    Early registration at reduced fee

EGU General Assembly 2025
Date:     April 27,2025 - May 2,2025
Location:     Vienna, Austria
January 15,2025    Submission of abstracts
March 31,2025    Early registration at reduced fee

SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting
Date:     May 11,2025 - May 15,2025
Location:     Vienna, Austria
March 1, 2025    Early registration at reduced fee

73rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry
Date:     June 1,2025 - June 5,2025
Location:     Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland
February 7,2025    Submission of abstracts

HPLC 2025: 54th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques
Date:     June 15,2025 - June 19,2025
Location:     Bruges, Belgium
January 15,2025    Submission of abstracts for oral presentations
April 1,2025    Submission of abstracts for poster presentations
April 24,2025    Early registration at reduced fee
May 30,2025    Submission of abstracts for late posters

ICOBTE & ICHMET 2025: 17th International Conference of Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE) and the 22nd International Conference of Heavy Metals (ICHMET)
Date:     September 22,2025 - September 26,2025
Location:     Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
January 31,2025    Early registration at reduced fee

Please do not hesitate to inform us in case that your conference related to speciation analysis is missing in our Agenda.

PittCon 2025
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Date: 01.03.2025 - 05.03.2025

EWCPS 2025: 20th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
Location: Berlin, Germany
Date: 02.03.2025 - 07.03.2025

DGMS 2025: 56. DGMS-Jahrestagung
Location: Göttingen, Germany
Date: 04.03.2025 - 07.03.2025

Location: Leipzig, Germany
Date: 10.03.2025 - 13.03.2025

EGU General Assembly 2025
Location: Vienna, Austria
Date: 27.04.2025 - 02.05.2025

SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting
Location: Vienna, Austria
Date: 11.05.2025 - 15.05.2025


EVISA provides information about open positions for Ph.D. students, PostDocs and permanent staff in the field of speciation. Looking to fill a vacancy or needing a new career challenge? Either way this service is FREE. Many laboratories and research facilities (from Greenland to Crete) have already found their highly educated stuff through this service by EVISA. If you would like to post an open position here, please contact us at info@speciation.net !





EVISA's directory of scientist is a versatile tool to facilitate contact with scientists in the field of speciation and related sciences. The directory is fully searchable for names, addresses, research topics etc.  You should bookmark this directory as an always up-to-date address book. (In order to hinder SPAM robots for collecting the E-mail accounts, we hide them in a special format).

More than 300 active scientists in the field of speciation analysis already joined the directory. Join this great directory that is extensively linked to all type of other information on this site, such as homepages, conferences and literature.

If your entry is still missing in this directory, please contact us at info@speciation.net.



EVISA provides an easy access to external information. Our database contains more than 2850 links to relevant information from numerous top scientific resources spread over the whole Web. The database is searchable both via full-text and categories such as elements, type of species and type of information. We are permanently updating our links section.

If your web site is missing here, please e-mail your link information to info@speciation.net.


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Please feel free to pass this Speciation Newsletter to others who may benefit from EVISA. If you have any contributions or suggestions, please send these to editors@speciation.net.

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