inorganic mercury

Includes elemental mercury and mercury bound to other inorganic molecules and compounds, including inorganic ligands and sulfides.

The term "inorganic mercury" was found in the following pages:

Link database: Toxicity of Mercury
University of Münster: Industrial Cooperation on Mercury Speciation | EVISA's News
Link database: Hydroelectric Development and Mercury in the Environment
Form of Mercury in Older Dental Fillings Unlikely to be Toxic | EVISA's News
Link database: Hazardous Substances Data Bank: Mercuric thiocyanate
Study links high levels of cadmium and lead in blood to pregnancy delay | EVISA's News
Huge Amounts of Toxic Mercury Found Hidden in the Arctic Permafrost | EVISA's News
'Surprisingly High Levels' of Methylmercury Contamination found in Groundwater | EVISA's News
Directory of scientists: Marie Vahter
Seabass populations can be differentiated by their Mercury Isotope Distribution | EVISA's News
WHO worries mercury treaty could affect costs and availability of vaccines | EVISA's News
Material database: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - SRM 966 - Toxic Metals in Bovine Blood
New certified reference material supporting mercury speciation analysis of blood | EVISA's News
Species transformation during speciation analysis | EVISA's News
Uptake of mercury species by fruit flies | EVISA's News
Link database: EFSA: Opinion of the Scientific Panel on contaminants in the food chain [CONTAM] related to mercury and methylmercury in food
Mercury contaminated freshwater fish from the NE United States: Where comes the mercury from ? | EVISA's News
Man is significantly contaminating oceans with mercury | EVISA's News
Link database: Hazardous Substances Data Bank: Thimerosal
Prenatal Mercury Exposure Cancels Out Cognitive Benefits of Exercise | EVISA's News