chemical classification of hydrocarbon groups attached to compounds: alkyl groups have carbon atoms arranged in chains and contain no double or triple bonds.
The term "alkyl" was found in the following pages:
Directory of scientists: William R. Cullen
Plant uptake of trimethylantimony from contaminated soils | EVISA's News
Link database: OSHA: Hazard Information Bulletin: Dimethylmercury
Link database: Scorecard: Chemical Profile for Alkyl mercury compounds
ISBOMC' 08: 4th International Symposium on Bioorganometallic Chemistry | EVISA's Agenda of Events
Detoxification of Methylmercury in Higher Organisms | EVISA's News
Link database: Overview of Tin Stabilizers
Is methyl mercury limiting the delight of seafood ? - To answer this question is a challenge for elemental speciation analysis | EVISA's News