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ISBOMC' 08: 4th International Symposium on Bioorganometallic Chemistry

The symposium will be held on the campus of The University of Montana, Missoula, MT, USA, which is situated in the scenic Rocky Mountains. Two of North America's most beautiful national parks are three to four hours drive from Missoula.

Date: 06.07.2008 - 10.07.2008
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Symposium
Location: Missoula, MT, USA
Contact: laurie.simonson@umontana.edu or
janna.taylor@umontana.edu or
Tel: + + 406 243 1592 (Ed Rosenberg)
Fax: + + 406 243 4227 (Main Chemistry Office)
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.umt.edu⁄chemistry⁄ISBOMC08_000.htm

Bioorganometallic chemistry has emerged as an important sub-discipline of organometallic chemistry. The recent recognition of enzymatic analogues of standard organometallic reactions such as alkyl migration, hydrogenation/dehydrogenation catalyzed by organometallic prosthetic groups as well as the increased use of organometallic compounds in the treatment of disease and the important of organiometallic derivations of toxic metals to the environment have added to the literal explosion of this field since the first conference was held in Paris in 2002. ISBOMC'08 will focus on all these themes while also including more recent studies of the use of organometallic labels in various imaging techniques and for the development of hybrid biomaterials.

The primary focus areas of the symposium will be:

1. Hydrogen and the environment-the role of organometallics.
2. Organometallic compounds in medicine.
3. Organometallic enzymes
4. The role of organometallic compounds in heavy metal toxicity.
5. Organometallic compounds in structural biology.


November 30,2007Preregistration
March 30,2008Abstract submission
April 30,2008Registration

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