elemental mercury

Hg. Mercury in its elemental (pure) form, that is, as a metal; hence the synonym metallic mercury. A shiny, silver-gray metal that is a liquid at room temperature.
Elemental mercury has many uses and is for instance found in thermometers, barometers, dental amalgams, batteries, fluorescent lights and some electrical switches. It is rarely found in nature.

The term "elemental mercury" was found in the following pages:

Natural dissolved organic matter plays dual role in cycling of mercury | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Brooks Rand Labs - MERX Total Mercury Configuration for EPA 1631
Mercury 'speciation analysis' by using thermal desorption analysis | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Mercury Instruments GmbH - Mercury Stack Monitor SM-3
Seabass populations can be differentiated by their Mercury Isotope Distribution | EVISA's News
High levels of mercury found in mountain lions linked to coastal fog | EVISA's News
Mercury contaminated freshwater fish from the NE United States: Where comes the mercury from ? | EVISA's News
Is methyl mercury limiting the delight of seafood ? - To answer this question is a challenge for elemental speciation analysis | EVISA's News
Occurrence of Mercurous [Hg(I)] Species in Environmental Solid Matrices | EVISA's News
Link database: Blacksmith Institute: mercury pollution
Link database: Medscape: Mercury toxicity
Company database: Tekran Instruments Corporation
Toxic Methylmercury-Producing Microbes More Widespread Than Realized | EVISA's News
Most Canadians having dental amalgam in their mouth are exposed to mercury at levels surpassing the reference exposure level (REL) | EVISA's News
ERM-AE671: A new Certified Reference Material to make methylmercury measurements in food more reliable | EVISA's News
Mercury contaminated freshwater fish from the NE United States: Where does the mercury come from ? | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Tekran Instruments Corporation - Model 1130 Mercury Speciation Unit
Link database: OSHA Method ID-140: Mercury Vapor In Workplace Atmospheres
Bacterial methylation of mercury not only starting from oxidized mercury | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Tekran Instruments Corporation - Series 3300 Speciating Mercury CEM - Overview