The University of Münster, the European Virtual
Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA), and the International
Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC) invite you to
participate in the 11th Workshop on Progress in Analytical
Methodologies for Trace Metal Speciation. This event is one of the very
few that is completely devoted to speciation analysis unifying research
groups, scientists, interested users, legislators, industrial partners
and other stakeholders from different domains.

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Invited Lectures
Internationally recognized experts have accepted invitations to present plenary lectures, which will give an overview of recent research and state-of-the-art in different areas of speciation analysis and open the session dedicated to that area.
Scientific Programme
The single-stream programme will consist of invited plenary lectures,
oral contributions (20 min. including 5 min for discussions) and poster
presentations. Session topics are:
- Environmental speciation analysis
- Speciation analysis in proteomics, metallomics and metabolomics
- Speciation analysis for the food and health sector
- Speciation analysis for the characterization of materials and industrial processes
- Tools for speciation analysis

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Thanks to significant sponsoring by the organizers
and industry, the workshop is being organized as a low-cost scientific
We would like to thank especially the following industrial sponsors:
| Platinum sponsors
| Thermo Scientific
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| Golden sponsors
| PerkinElmer
| PS Analytical
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| Other sponsors
