Scientific Programme
The single-stream programme will consist of invited plenary lectures, oral contributions (20 min. including 5 min for discussions) and poster presentations:
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Time | Topic | Room | 14:00 -16:00
| Short course: Speciation analysis - the practical way: O.F.X. Donard, University of Pau , France
| | 16:00 -18:00
| On-site registration
| Foyer of the Castle | 18:00 - 20:00
| Get-together mixer
| Foyer of the Castle |
Wednesday, September 5, 2007 Morning Session 1: Environmental speciation analysis
Time | Presentation
| Abstract | 8:30 | Opening of the workshop
| | 8:40
| Plenary lecture: O.F.X Donard (University of Pau, France): Environmental chemistry of elements - elemental speciation at last!
| PL1
| 9:20
| Petra Krystek (former at RIVM, The Netherlands): Monitoring of chromium species and eleven selected metals in emission and immission of airborne environment
| OP 1.1
| 9:40
| Markus Lenz (Wageningen University, Netherlands): Bioremediation of selenium containig waters: Importance of Selenium speciation analysis
| OP 1.2
| 10:00
| María Jiménez Moreno (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain): A general strategy for monomethylmercury analysis: from low to highly polluted sediments
| OP 1.3
| 10:20
| Coffee break and exhibition
| 11:00
| Stephan Hann (University of Natural Ressources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, Austria): High priority contaminants of the aquatic environment: Speciation analysis for detection and the evaluation of removal strategies
| OP 1.4
| 11:20
| Patrick Thomas (Institute Pasteur of Lille, France): Environmental speciation analysis: - A practical viewpoint and some applications in a contract laboratory
| OP 1.5
| 11:40
| Hans A. van der Sloot (Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, ECN, The Netherlands): Chemical speciation fingerprints by geochemical modelling after the characterisation of the leaching behaviour of various metals
| OP 1.6
| 12:00
| Ruth E. Wolf (United States Geological Survey, Denver, USA): Simultaneous speciation of As, Se, and Cr: Feasibility for real samples
| OP 1.7
| 12:20
| Shoona McSheehy (Thermo Fisher Scientific Bremen, Germany): The Determination of PBDEs by GC-ICP-Q-MS
| OP 1.8
| 12:40
| Lunch break and exhibition
Wednesday, September 5, 2007 Afternoon Session 2: Speciation analysis for the food and health sector
Time | Presentation | Abstract | 14:00
| Plenary lecture: Erik H. Larsen (National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Søborg, Denmark): The role of trace element speciation in life-science research | PL2
| 14:40
| Emma Warburton (LGC Ltd., Middlesex, UK): Microwave-assisted enzymatic hydrolysis: evaluation of its capabilities for Se-speciation
| OP 2.1
| 15:00
| Claudia Swart (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany): Stabilization of As-species in water using different SPE materials
| OP 2.2
| 15:20
| Patcharin Jankong (Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand): Arsenic accumulation and speciation in freshwater fish living in arsenic-contaminated waters
| OP 2.3
| 15:40
| Coffee break and poster session 1
| 16:40
| Erwin Rosenberg (Technical University of Vienna, Austria): LC/ESI-MS Study of the structure of germanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) in aqueous solution
| OP 2.4
| 17:00
| Stefan Trümpler (University of Münster, Germany): Gas chromatography coupled to microwave-induced plasma emission detection (GC-MIP-PED) for the speciation analysis of mercury | OP 2.5
| 17:20
| Petra Cuderman (Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Slovenia): Determination of Se species in Se enriched and drought exposed potatoes by HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-UV-HG-AFS
| OP 2.6
| 17:40
| R. B. Voegborlo (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana): Determination of methylmercury in fish from the marine and freshwater environments in Ghana using gas liquid chromatography with electron capture detection technique
| OP 2.7
| 18:00
| End of session 2
Thursday, September 6, 2007 Morning Session 3: Tools for speciation analysis
Time | Presentation | Abstract | 8:30
| Plenary lecture: Klaus Heumann (University of Mainz, Germany): Hyphenated isotope dilution ICP-MS as an accurate tool for speciation analysis | PL3
| 9:10 | Pablo Rodríguez-González (LCABIE, Pau, France): Comparison of different numerical approaches for multiple spiking species-specific isotope dilution analysis exemplified by the determination of butyltin species in sediments
| OP 3.1
| 9:30
| Jan Kösters (Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (IME), Schmallenberg, Germany): Beyond GC/ICP-MS: New tools for elemental speciation of volatiles
| OP 3.2
| 9:50
| Mirko Peitzsch (Institute for Geoscience, University of Mainz, Germany): Cryotrapping-cryofocussing-GC-ICP-MS (CT-CFGC-ICP-MS) analysis of microbial volatilized selenium sorbed on soil materials
| OP 3.3
| 10:10
| Coffee break and exhibition |
| 10:50
| Heiko Hayen (ISAS, Dortmund, Germany): Investigation of non-covalent metalphytosiderophore species by electrospray-high resolution mass spectrometry
| OP 3.4
| 11:10
| Ralf Kautenburger (Saarland University, Germany): CE-ICP-MS as speciation technique to analyze the complexation behavior of lanthanides with humic acid
| OP 3.5
| 11:30
| Bernhard Kuczewski (Technical University of Graz, Austria): CE-DAD-ICP-MS as tool for investigation in the complexation of metals and for metal speciation
| OP 3.6
| 11:50
| Christian Dietz (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain): Comparison of miniaturised sample treatment systems for As speciation in human hair and nails
| OP 3.7
| 12:10
| Montserrat Filella (University of Geneva, Switzerland): Trace element speciation modelling applied to environmental systems: the deceiving reality and some new perspectives
| OP 3.8
| 12:30
| Lunch break and exhibition |
Thursday, September 6, 2007 Afternoon Session 4: In-situ speciation analysis and environmental speciation monitoring Time | Presentation | Abstract | 14:00 | Plenary lecture: Martial Taillefert (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA): Combining in-situ measurements with speciation techniques to characterize biogeochemical processes in sediments
| PL4 | 14:40 | Günter Weber (ISAS, Dortmund, Germany): Direct monitoring of metabolic Fe-species equilibria in plants by CV and MS
| OP 4.1
| 15:00
| Corinne Parat (LCABIE, Pau, France): Determination of trace metal speciation parameters by using screen-printed sensors in stripping chronopotentiometry
| OP 4.2
| 15:20
| Josep Galceran (Universitat de Lleida, Spain): AGNES: determining free Zn concentration in seawater | OP 4.3
| 15:40
| Coffee break and poster session 2
| 16:40
| Maria Pesavento (Università di Pavia, Italy): Speciation investigation of trace metal ions using complexing resins as sensors for the free metal ion concentration in real samples
| OP 4.4
| 17:00
| A. M. Mota (Centro de Química Estrutural, Lisboa, Portugal): Copper speciation in different types of natural waters
| OP 4.5
| 17:20
| Latif Elçi (University of Pamukkale, Turkey): Inorganic arsenic speciation in various water samples with GF-AAS using coprecipitation
| OP 4.6
| 17:40
| Kerstin Leopold (Technical University of Munich, Germany): Flow-injection system for ultra trace analysis of mercury species by AFS
| OP 4.7
| 18:00
| End of session 4
Friday, September 7, 2007 Morning Session 5: Speciation analysis in proteomics, metallomics and metabolomics
Time | Presentation | Abstract | 8:30
| Plenary lecture: Alfredo Sanz-Medel (University of Oviedo, Spain): MS-based proteomics turns quantitative: the great future of ICP-MS in that undertaking | PL5
| 9:10
| Gerhard A. Wiesmüller (Umweltprobenbank des Bundes, Münster, Germany): Trace element species and its Impact on human health
| OP 5.1
| 9:30
| Susanne Bomke (University of Münster, Germany): Metallocenes as labels in bioanalysis
| OP 5.2
| 9:50
| Stefan Pieper (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany): MeCAT: Applications for absolute quantification of proteins and peptides using HPLC/ICP MS
| OP 5.3
| 10:10
| Coffee break and exhibition |
| 10:50
| David Point (NIST, USA): Use of dual spike speciated isotope dilution to investigate the differences of reactivity between freeze dried and cryogenic biological standard reference materials for mercury speciation analysis
| OP 5.4
| 11:10
| Frank Hasenäcker (University Duisburg- Essen, Germany): Online coupling of 2D-HPLC and CN-PAGE for native separation of metalloproteins with subsequent detection by LA-ICP-MS
| OP 5.5
| 11:30
| Aleksandra Polatajko (ISAS, Dortmund, Germany): Analytical assay development to study metalbinding proteins in plants
| OP 5.6
| 11:50
| M. R. Fernández de la Campa (Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Oviedo, Spain): HPLC-ICPMS and ESI-MS to study the possible synergic effect of cadmium and selenium in induced metallothionein
| OP 5.7
| 12:10
| Gunda Köllensperger (University of Natural Ressources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria): Measuring metallodrug-peptide/protein interaction by speciation analysis
| OP 5.8
| 12:30
| Poster awards
| 12:50
| Closing ceremony
The final program is available as a PDF for downloading.
