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Welcome to the September issue of EVISA's Speciation Newsletter!
Last week 200 scientists from about 20 countries met in Beijing for the 5th Metallomics Symposium (see below). Metallomics is an interdisciplinary science that benefits a lot from speciation analysis providing major tools for metallomics.
Another area that benefits a lot from speciation analysis are environmental sciences. Biogeochemical processes are involved in the cycling of elements. Researchers from the University of California now have shown that seals are not only sentinels for the status of the environment their living in but also a source of contamination (see below).
Since toxicity of elements is related to elemental species, food safety assessment requires speciation analysis. For this reason food safety organizations discuss already for quite some time new rules for toxic species such as inorganic arsenic or methylmercury. Australian researchers have produced a rice reference material for arsenic species in order to support the determination of inorganic arsenic in rice (see below).
EVISA is keeping you updated with what is going on in speciation analysis. In this section you will find news about the most current research results, about trends, legal issues and informations from manufacturers in the field of speciation analysis.
With all the links to further information and publications the News archive is a valuable collection of "hot topics" in speciation analysis. We continuously update even former news with new links and information so that all news are actual all the time.
Impressions from the 5th Metallomics Symposium
Last week about 200 scientists from 20 countries met in Beijing for the 5th Metallomics symposium.
Elephant seals fur as a source for methylmercury in coastal sea water
Researchers have identified the northern elephant seals fur as a new source of mercury pollution in the water surrounding Año Nuevo, a state park in California. The coastal sites of this area contain 17 times more neurotoxic methylmercury during molting season than others without seals.
Arsenic species in rice: A new Australian reference material
People at the Ecochemistry Laboratory at the University of Canberra,
have produced a rice reference material to assist those undertaking inorganic As analyses of rice.
a list of about 50 current entries EVISA is informing you about
interesting events and keeps you updated with their deadlines. By
consulting our list of deadlines you won't miss the opportunity for
early registration at reduced fee or the chance to submit your
contribution in time.
more infos...
RAFA 2015: 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis
Date: November 3,2015 - November 6,2015 Location: Prague, Ctzech Republic September 21,2015 Notice of acceptance September 30,2015 Lawst minute posters
ICMG - 2016: 6th International Conference on Metals in Genetics, Chemical Biology and Therapeutics
Date: February 17,2016 - February 20,2016 Location: Bangalore, India October 10,2015 Submission of abstracts
Please do not hesitate to inform us in case that your conference related to speciation analysis is missing in our Agenda.
IMA2015, the 9th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis-Modern Trends and Applications
Kalamata, Greece
20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015
ICCE 2015: 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
Leipzig, Germany
20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015
SciX 2015: The Great Scientific Exchange
Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, RI, USA
27.09.2015 - 02.10.2015
antimony 2015: 3rd International Workshop on Antimony in the Environment
Leipzig, Germany
06.10.2015 - 09.10.2015
4th International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health
Sao Paulo, Brazil
17.10.2015 - 20.10.2015
ISTERH 2015: Recent Advances in Trace Element Research in Health and Disease
Dubrovnik, Croatia
18.10.2015 - 22.10.2015
EVISA provides information about open positions for Ph.D. students, PostDocs and permanent staff in the field of speciation. Looking to fill a vacancy or needing a new career challenge? Either way this service is FREE. Many laboratories and research facilities (from Greenland to Crete) have already found their highly educated stuff through this service by EVISA. If you would like to post an open position here, please contact us at info@speciation.net !
Umeå University: Mercury Biogeochemistry
Umea University, Department of Chemistry has an open position for a PhD student in the field of mercury biogeochemistry.
EVISA's directory of scientist is a versatile tool to facilitate contact with scientists in the field of speciation and related sciences. The directory is fully searchable for names, addresses, research topics etc. You should bookmark this directory as an always up-to-date address book. (In order to hinder SPAM robots for collecting the E-mail accounts, we hide them in a special format).
More than 280 active scientists in the field of speciation analysis already joined the directory. Join this great directory that is extensively linked to all type of other information on this site, such as homepages, conferences and literature.
If your entry is still missing in this directory, please contact us at info@speciation.net.
EVISA provides an easy access to external information. Our database contains more than 2750 links to relevant information from numerous top scientific resources spread over the whole Web. The database is searchable both via full-text and categories such as elements, type of species and type of information. We are permanently updating our links section.
If your web site is missing here, please e-mail your link information to info@speciation.net.
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