
The set of operations which establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system and the corresponding known values of the measurand.

The term "calibration" was found in the following pages:

Instrument database: CECIL Instruments Ltd. - Aqua Quest
Instrument database: SII Nano Technology Inc. - SPQ9000se ICP Mass Spectrometer
Instrument database: Aurora Biomed - AI 3200 Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer
Company database: Starna Worldwide
Instrument database: Mercury Instruments GmbH - UT-3000 Mercury Ultratracer
Instrument database: GALAB Technologies GmbH - HGPS 4000 Permeation Source
Uptake of mercury species by fruit flies | EVISA's News
Instrument database: CETAC Technologies - LSX-200 Plus - Laser ablation system
Instrument database: Shimadzu Europe - UV mini-1240
Company database: Analytika Co. Ltd.
Material database: JRC - Joint Research Centre - ERM-EB090b - Titanium (chips) (element content)
Instrument database: Waters Corporation - 3100 Mass Detector
Instrument database: Buck Scientific - 410 Cold Vapour Mercury Analyzer
Link database: FDA: Elemental Analysis Manual: Section 4.11: Arsenic Speciation in Rice and Rice Products Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometric Determination
Instrument database: PS Analytical - 10.035 Millennium Merlin 1631
Material database: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - SRM 2586 - Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint)
Arsenic speciation analysis in rice milk | EVISA's News
Directory of scientists: Barry Sharp
Instrument database: Foss A/S - InfraXact
All about quality of measurements | EVISA's News