Mixing of two phases with the formation of one new homogeneous phase (i.e. the solution).
Source. IUPAC
The term "dissolution" was found in the following pages:
Instrument database: Foss A/S - Rapid Content Analyzer
Link database: HSE: MDHS29/2 Beryllium and beryllium compounds in air
Instrument database: Teledyne CETAC Technologies - Solis-500 Solids Introduction System
Link database: eawag: ChemEQL - a software for the calculation of chemical equilibria
Link database: EFSA: Scientific Opinion on Uranium in Food, in particular mineral water
Link database: HSE: MDHS16/2 Mercury and its inorganic divalent compounds in air
Instrument database: Jasco Inc. - UV/vis Spectrometer V-530
Journals database: Journal of Controlled Release
Instrument database: Zinsser Analytic GmbH - CALLI®
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Instrument database: Foss A/S - Intact Tablet Analyzer
Instrument database: Australian Scientific Instruments Pty. Ltd. - RESOchron
Instrument database: Teledyne CETAC Technologies - GeoLasPro 193nm Excimer Laser Ablation System
Directory of scientists: Josep Galceran
Link database: HSE: MDHS46/2 Platinum metal and soluble platinum compounds in air
Liquid-liquid extraction in speciation analysis | EVISA's News
Link database: US EPA Method 7471a: Mercury in solid or semisolid waste (manual cold-vapor technique)
Link database: HSE: MDHS10/2 Cadmium and inorganic compounds of cadmium
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