
Action or process of proving that a procedure, process, system, equipment, or method used works as expected and achieves the intended results. [CLSI]

The term "validation" was found in the following pages:

Development of a Liquid Chromatographic Method for Quantifying 11 Organotin Compounds in Workplace Air Samples using HPLC-ICP-MS | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Dionex Corporation - UVD 170U 4-Channel UV-Vis Detector
Instrument database: Spectrolab Analytical - S10-DB
Instrument database: GBC Scientific Equipment Ltd. - Cintra 404 - UV-Visible Spectrometer
Instrument database: Shimadzu Corporation - UV-2401PC/UV-2501PC
Material database: IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-470 Oyster tissue
Experts in Speciation Analysis came together in Münster, September 4-7, 2007 | EVISA's News
Material database: JRC - Joint Research Centre - ERM-CC141 - Loam Soil
On-column internal standardisation as an alternative calibration strategy for speciation analysis | EVISA's News
Material database: JRC - Joint Research Centre - ERM-CA400 - Total Mercury in Seawater
Material database: IRMM - Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements - ERM-CA713: Trace elements in waste water
Instrument database: Biochrom Ltd. - Libra S21 Visible Spectrophotometer
Company database: IRMM - Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements
Instrument database: Applied Biosystems - 4000 QTRAP LC/MS/MS System
Instrument database: Shimadzu Europe - UV-1700
Link database: AMAP, 2005. AMAP Assessment 2002: Heavy Metals in the Arctic
Instrument database: Applied Biosystems - 4800 MALDI TOF/TOF™ Analyzer
High Levels of Arsenic in American Wines | EVISA's News
NAMLS-9: 9th International conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences | EVISA's Agenda of Events
Material database: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - SRM 3532 - Calcium-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form