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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

CRMs for the speciation analysis of chromium

Since Cr(VI) compounds are mostly highly soluble, mobile, and bioavailable compared to the sparingly soluble Cr(III) compounds, speciation analysis of chromium is mandatory for a meaningful risk assessment.

CRMs play a major role in the development and validation of methods and for quality control. The following certified reference materials (CRMs) are available for speciation analysis of solid materials:
welding dust loaded on a filter Cr(VI) and total leachable Cr
SRM 2700
Contaminated soil (low level)
Cr, Cr(VI)
NISTSRM 2701Contaminated soil (high level)Cr, Cr(VI)
LGCERM-BD213aYeastCr, Cr(III)

* () =information value only, []= original certification no longer valid
NB:! click on the suppliers name to reach his website, click on the material name for a link to the report, click on the certified species for a link to the certificate

EVISA Material Database: Materials related to chromium speciation

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