
Plants and animals in an environment. Some of these plants and animals might be sources of food, clothing, or medicines for people.

Source: ATSDR  Glossary of Terms

The term "biota" was found in the following pages:

Toxic inorganic arsenic species found in Japanese seaweed food | EVISA's News
Journals database: Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability
Mercury contaminated freshwater fish from the NE United States: Where comes the mercury from ? | EVISA's News
Directory of scientists: Robert P. Mason
Company database: International Society of Environmental Forensics (ISEF)
Link database: EPA: Surface Water Models to Assess Exposures
Journals database: Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Mercury isotope ratio measurements of methylmercury in fish | EVISA's News
TBT from antifouling paint is still endangering marine life, says WWF | EVISA's News
Cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in archived German freshwater fish samples covering a period of two decades | EVISA's News
Seabass populations can be differentiated by their Mercury Isotope Distribution | EVISA's News
Biometals 2016: 10th International Biometals Symposium | EVISA's Agenda of Events
Toxic Mercury in Aquatic Life Could Spike due to Climate Change | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Brooks Rand Labs - Modell III Mercury Analyzer
BioMetals 2020: 12th International Biometals Symposium | EVISA's Agenda of Events
Journals database: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung (UWSF)
Selenium species are partly converted during their enzymatic extraction from biological samples with protease XIV | EVISA's News
Link database: Princeton University: Mercury Cycling and Methylation
Link database: USA: New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission: Mercury research
ICCE 2013: 14th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment | EVISA's Agenda of Events