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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Over 1000 delegates are expected to attend to witness the launch of the United Nations Environment Programme's internationally binding treaty on the control of mercury, which will be signed in early 2013, and to discuss how the treaty will be translated into action. Delegates at the ICMGP will represent all areas of mercury research, from intentional uses such as batteries and dental amalgam, through unsafe uses in artesenal gold production, to unintentional emissions from sources such as chlor-alkali plants and coal combustion.

Date: 28.07.2013 - 02.08.2013
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Contact: Chairman
Lesley Sloss.
ICMGP 2013 chair
Email: lesley@mercury2013.com

Exhibition Organiser
Marcus Pattison.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1727 858840
Facsimile: +44 (0) 1727 840310
Email: info@mercury2013.com

Sales Manager
David Hellyer.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1727 858840
Facsimile: +44 (0) 1727 840310
Email: davidh@mercury2013.com
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.mercury2013.com⁄

The five day event will continue with parallel sessions and hundreds of posters covering all areas and aspects of mercury research. It will include research relevant to UNEP’s Mercury Programme and actions that countries may need to take to implement the mercury treaty. Topics will include waste, chlor-alkali, coal combustion, gold mining, dentistry as well as the movement, behaviour and effects of mercury in our environment.

Once again, the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership will host a special session dedicated to its work. The conference will be accompanied by the largest ever exhibition of organisations including commercial companies that provide services for mercury management, monitoring and control from all sources. There will also be public outreach activities to help bridge the gap between those that know and those that need to know. Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful and historic cities in the world. Where better to look from the past into the future?

Mercury touches many areas of global science and so the conference programme is diverse and interesting. Sessions will cover themes such as:

  • Mercury measurement – emissions, air, soil, water, biota, fish, tissue samples
  • Mercury in ecosystems – the Arctic, Great Lakes and other sensitive areas
  • Mercury legislation – from the new UNEP treaty down to National standards
  • Mercury fate and transport – from emission to deposition and on to consumers
  • Mercury ecotoxicology – exposure and risk
  • Mercury and health – case studies
  • Mercury in contaminated sites and remediation strategies
  • Mercury sources – coal combustion, chlor-alkali, waste incineration, crematoria
  • Mercury from natural sources – volcanoes, natural emissions
  • Mercury control – capture and remediation
  • Mercury in waste – transport and long-term disposal
  • Mercury and the public – dentistry, medical uses, batteries, socio-economic
  • Mercury and gold – changes in practice and alternative strategies

The conference will include plenary sessions covering the most current and relevant topics. The delegates will then move into six parallel sessions to concentrate on more specific topics.


January 9,2013Submission of abtracts
May 1,2013Early registration at reduced fee

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