
Interference (in chemical analysis) is a systematic error in the measure of a signal caused by the presence of concomitants in a sample.

The term "interference" was found in the following pages:

Instrument database: Sedico Ltd. - AFP-100 Flame Photometer
Instrument database: Analytik Jena AG - contrAA® 800 F - HRCS- Atomic absorption spectrometer for flame and hydride techniques
Impressions from the analytica 2016 in Munich | EVISA's News
Speciation of Germanium in Environmental Water Reference Materials by Hydride Generation and Cryotrapping in Combination with ICP-MS/MS | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Beijing Rayleigh Analytical Instrument Corporation (BRAIC) - AF-630 Three-channel Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer (Environmental protection type)
Instrument database: Prince Technologies B.V. - PrinCE-C 650 and 660 Capillary Electrophoresis Systems
Instrument database: Bio-Rad Laboratories - QuadTec UV/vis Detector
Instrument database: Horiba - ULTIMA Expert - ICP/OES Spectrometer
Link database: US FDA: Elemental Analysis Manual: Section 4.11: Arsenic Speciation in Rice and Rice Products Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometric Determination
Instrument database: Mercury Instruments GmbH - Mercury Vapor Monitor VM 3000
Instrument database: Shimadzu Europe - EDX-720/800HS/900HS
Instrument database: Teledyne CETAC Technologies - U-6000AT+ Ultrasonic Nebulizer/Membrane Desolvator
Instrument database: Analytik Jena GmbH - PlasmaQuant MS
Instrument database: Thermo Scientific - iCAP™ RQ ICP-MS
Instrument database: Kojair Tech OY - KR Biowizard Golden Line Safety Cabinet
Gas chromatography for the separation of elemental species | EVISA's News
Instrument database: GAT - Gamma Analysen- Technik GmbH - DDW-1O Dual Wavelength Detector
Instrument database: Agilent Technologies Inc. - 1100 Series Refractive Index Detector
Instrument database: Prince Technologies B.V. - PrinCE 250 and PrinCE-C 255 Capillary Electrophoresis System
Instrument database: Varian Inc. (Part A) - Vista-PRO Simultaneous ICP-OES