Interference (in chemical analysis) is a systematic error in the measure of a signal caused by the presence of concomitants in a sample.
The term "interference" was found in the following pages:
Instrument database: Agilent Technologies Inc. - 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS
Instrument database: Agilent Technologies Inc. - 7500 c ICP-MS
Instrument database: Mass Spectrometry Instruments (MSI) - Autoconcept GD90
Instrument database: Thermo Scientific - iCAP™ TQs ICP-MS
Instrument database: Prince Technologies B.V. - PrinCE 400 Series Capillary Electrophoresis System
Instrument database: Bio-Rad Laboratories - QuadTec UV/vis Detector
Isobaric dilution analysis: a new calibration strategy for long lived radionuclides | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Prince Technologies B.V. - PrinCE-C 650 and 660 Capillary Electrophoresis Systems
Instrument database: Thermo Scientific - IRIS Intrepid II
Instrument database: Analytik Jena GmbH - novAA® 400
Chromium speciation in biological tissues | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Varian Inc. (Part A) - Vista-PRO Simultaneous ICP-OES
Germanium speciation analysis of soil polluted by an electronic waste processing plant | EVISA's News
Instrument database: PerkinElmer Inc. - SIMAA 6100
Link database: US FDA: Elemental Analysis Manual: Section 4.11: Arsenic Speciation in Rice and Rice Products Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometric Determination
Instrument database: SII Nano Technology Inc. - SPQ9200ev ICP Mass Spectrometer (Environmental Analysis)
Instrument database: GAT - Gamma Analysen- Technik GmbH - DDW-1O Dual Wavelength Detector
Instrument database: Analytik Jena GmbH - PlasmaQuant MS Q
Instrument database: Aurora Instruments Ltd. - LUMINA 3300 Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer
Instrument database: Varian Inc. (Part A) - Vista MPX Simultaneous ICP-OES