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älteste Fachzeitschrift für die Praxis der Oberflächentechnik



Source type
First volume
Last volume
Publish city
Saulgau, Germany
Galvanotechnik” , Europe’s oldest-established Metal Finishing & Surface Treatment technical journal, has its roots in the technologies of metal deposition from aqueous solutions, and these continue today to feature strongly in the contents. Both electrodeposition and electroless deposition are included. Also covered are the equally important pretreatment and post-treatment stages, such as grinding, polishing, blasting and above all, cleaning and degreasing, descaling, pickling and activation. Other Metal Finishing topics covered in depth, include forming of patterned or structured surfaces, and those with special properties such as corrosion or wear-resistance, very smooth (incl. mirror finish) or specially matt surfaces, or surfaces which are coloured, or very hard, by virtue of surface oxide formation and interference effects. For certain metals such as titanium or aluminium, anodising, passivation or use of conversion coatings are important. These feature regularly in the journal. Other areas and technologies covered, include metallising of plastics, a process of growing importance in the automotive sector, and also in domestic fittings and sanitary ware. This technology underpins almost the entire printed circuit board industry. Other topics regularly covered include electroforming, etching and metal electrodeposition from non-aqueous media. 
Over the years, the content of “Galvanotechnik” has expanded, to include the newer technologies such as plasma processes, thin-film applications, advances in organic coatings and the growing importance of environmental technology, recycling and process bath life extension. Many of these now feature in their own, specially colour-coded sections in the journal. A further area of technology now featured in its own section, is micro-engineering and production of nanostructures, not least because these areas are so heavily dependant on classical, though now miniaturised, metal finishing techniques. Throughout the journal, scientific and technical articles are complemented by news of forthcoming meetings and other events such as Trade Shows, and detailed reports on those which have taken place. Other regular features offer news from commercial and professional organisations. New proprietary processes, major commercial developments and news from the industry all enable readers to keep aware of everything of importance in the sector. Newly published German and other patents in the field are listed each month. Finally, there is a regular feature where abstracts of key publications from the world’s major Metal Finishing journals are abstracted. 

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