European Food Safety Authority

"Following a series of food scares in the 1990s (eg BSE, dioxins…) which undermined consumer confidence in the safety of the food chain, the European Union concluded that it needed to establish a new scientific body charged with providing independent and objective advice on food safety issues associated with the food chain. Its primary objective as set out in the White Paper on Food Safety would be to: “…contribute to a high level of consumer health protection in the area of food safety, through which consumer confidence can be restored and maintained.” The result was the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Set up provisionally in Brussels in 2002, EFSA provides independent scientific advice on all matters linked to food and feed safety - including animal health and welfare and plant protection - and provides scientific advice on nutrition in relation to Community legislation. The Authority communicates to the public in an open and transparent way on all matters within its remit. EFSA’s risk assessments provide risk managers (consisting of EU institutions with political accountability, i.e. European Commission, European Parliament and Council) with a sound scientific basis for defining policy driven legislative or regulatory measures required to ensure a high level of consumer protection with regards to food safety." (Source: EFSA website )

The term "European Food Safety Authority" was found in the following pages:

Link database: EFSA: Cadmium dietary exposure in the European population
Human exposure to organotin compounds via consumption of fish | EVISA's News
ERM-AE671: A new Certified Reference Material to make methylmercury measurements in food more reliable | EVISA's News
Journals database: EFSA Journal
EFSA calls for data on selenium and chromium | EVISA's News
Polish selenium supplements not always labeled accurately | EVISA's News
Link database: EFSA: Organotins in food
Link database: EFSA: Chromium nitrate as a source of chromium added for nutritional purposes to food supplements
Effect of cooking on the speciation of chromium in food | EVISA's News
Link database: EFSA: Scientific Opinion on Uranium in Food, in particular mineral water
Link database: EFSA: L-selenomethionine as a source of selenium added for nutritional purposes to food supplements
Mercury in food – EFSA updates advice on risks for public health | EVISA's News
Link database: EFSA: Mercury in food: EFSA scientific opinion
Methylmercury in European rice varies by more than a factor of 50 | EVISA's News
Link database: EFSA: L-selenomethionine as a source of selenium added for nutritional purposes to food supplements
EFSA calls for data on arsenic levels in food and water | EVISA's News
France to ban titanium dioxide whitener in food from 2020 | EVISA's News
Link database: EFSA: Potassium molybdate as a source of molybdenum added for nutritional purposes to food supplements
Health risk assessment of small organoarsenic species in food | EVISA's News
Chromium speciation analysis in bread and breakfast cereals | EVISA's News