Dear Subscriber !
Welcome to the November issue of EVISA's Speciation
You might have recognized it by using our service "What's New on EVISA's web site ?" : We have extended our database system significantly during this year: - EVISA's Journal Database now contains 3440 journals (and informs where you can find it online, and how to access the content)
- EVISA'S Directory of Scientists now has 260 entries, informing you how to reach the world's leading experts in speciation related sciences
- EVISA's Link Database now has more than 2000 entries, guiding you to valuable information sources related to all aspects of elemental species
- EVISA's Instrument Database now has 2565 records, telling you which instruments are available on the market but also which one are no longer available
- EVISA's Material Database now has 342 records, informing you about available CRMs, standards and other materials
- EVISA's Components Database now has 175 records, guiding you to accessories, software, spare parts and other apparatus used for speciation analysis
- EVISA's glossary now has 730 entries, explaining the terminology used in the multidisciplinary area of speciation related science
We also significantly enhanced cross-linking between the different parts of the database system and other parts of our web portal and we will continue to do so. Some examples:
- All News do have links to relevant parts of the EVISA database system, guiding the reader to further information related to the topic
- All directory entries provide links to other pages related to the scientists
- Journals do not only provide links to the publisher, the journals homepage and other journals within the same category but also to EVISA's Link database and EVISA's Company database, informing about societies and associations as well as other websites related to the journal topics.
- All glossary entries provide links to other pages containing the term
It is our policy to provide easy and efficient access to the most relevant information related to speciation analysis.
EVISA is keeping you updated with what is going on in speciation analysis. In this section you will find news about the most current research results, about trends, legal issues and informations from manufacturers in the field of speciation analysis.
With all the links to further information and publications the News archive is a valuable collection of "hot topics" in speciation analysis. We continuously update even former news with new links and information so that all news are actual all the time.
Hexavalent chromium found in bread
A portugese research group found hexavalent chromium in white and whole bread samples.
New quick test for methylmercury
A spanish-german research team now found a way to detect trace amounts of methylmercury by a simple and quick strip-test.
Tribute to Jacques Buffle: founding father of dynamic metal speciation analysis
The October issue (19) of Environmental Science & Technology pays tribute to to the career of Jacques Buffle, the founding father of dynamic metal speciation analysis in aquatic systems.
With a list of about 50 current entries EVISA is informing you about interesting events and keeps you updated with their deadlines. By consulting our list of deadlines you won't miss the opportunity for early registration at reduced fee or the chance to submit your contribution in time. more infos...
SETAC North America 30th Annual Meeting
New Orleans Hilton Riverside, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
19.11.2009 - 23.11.2009 |
2010 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
Fort Myers, Florida |
04.01.2010 - 09.01.2010 |
IsrAnalytica 2010:
The David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel |
19.01.2010 - 20.01.2010 |
HTSP: International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques for Sample Preparation
Bruges, Belgium |
26.01.2010 - 27.01.2010 |
HTC-11: Eleventh International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers
Bruges, Belgium |
27.01.2010 - 29.01.2010 |
Pittcon 2010
Orlando, FL, USA |
28.02.2010 - 05.03.2010 |
EVISA provides information about open positions for Ph.D. students, PostDocs and permanent staff in the field of speciation. Looking to fill a vacancy or needing a new career challenge? Either way this service is FREE. Many laboratories and research facilities (from Greenland to Crete) have already found their highly educated stuff through this service by EVISA. If you would like to post an open position here, please contact us at info@speciation.net !
Wageningen University: Biosensor nanoarrays for environmental monitoring (BIOMONAR)
University of Southern Denmark: Biosensor nanoarrays for environmental monitoring (BIOMONAR)
A postdoctoral scientist position in EU FP7 project on Biosensor nanoarrays for environmental monitoring (BIOMONAR)is available at the University os Southern Denmark.
Midi-Pyrenees Observatory (Toulouse, France): Global mercury cycle
A full-time (2yr) Post-Doctoral position is open at the Midi-Pyrenees Observatory (Toulouse, France). We are looking for a candidate in environmental isotope geochemistry to join a recently funded ANR project on the global mercury cycle.
Trent University: Interaction between selenium and reduced sulfur species
The Metalloid Speciation & Geochemistry research group at Trent University is looking for a post-doctoral researcher to study the interaction between selenium species and reduced sulfur species in industrial process streams and ambient waters.
Wageningen University: Biosensor nanoarrays for environmental monitoring (BIOMONAR)
The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology: Research Chemists
The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology has a job vacancy for a research chemist with expertise on trace element analysis and ICP-MS applications.
LGC Ltd, Teddington, Middlesex, UK: Science Leader, Speciation Analysis
This is an excellent development opportunity for a candidate looking to build their career in analytical science, working with recognised experts. The role requires an able scientist who will contribute to the successful delivery of R&D analysis projects. You will be expected to promote your achievements with appropriate scientific publications, reports and presentations
Trent University: Senior ICP-MS Scientist
The Worsfold Water Quality Centre at Trent University is seeking applications for a Senior ICP-MS Scientist. This is a full time permanent staff position, and is available immediately. Salary will be in commensurate with qualification and experience.
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Please feel free to pass this Speciation Newsletter to others who may benefit from EVISA. If you have any contributions or suggestions, please send these to editors@speciation.net.
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Disclaimer No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. The Newsletter represents only the opinion of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Community. The European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of the information provided.