An ion having a positive charge. Atoms of metals, in solution, become cations.
The term "cation" was found in the following pages:
Instrument database: GAT - Gamma Analysen- Technik GmbH - GAT DKK-TOA IA-200 Ion Analyzer Automat
Arseno lipids in salmon are partly converted during cooking | EVISA's News
Highly selective Cr(VI) determination at ultra-trace levels using on-line trapping of Cr(III) with ICP-MS detection | EVISA's News
Arsenic Species in Seaweeds Commercially Available in the United States | EVISA's News
Simple and Fast On-line Speciation of Inorganic Antimony Coupled to ICP-MS | EVISA's News
17th Annual Goldschmidt Conference | EVISA's Agenda of Events
New insights about interaction of thimerosal with blood components | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Dionex Corporation - ICS-900 Starter Line IC System
Arsenic species in human milk | EVISA's News
Vaccine ingredient causes brain damage; some nutrients prevent it | EVISA's News
An easy way to selectively determine organomercury in seafood | EVISA's News
New mercury transporting protein in human blood identified | EVISA's News
Link database: Salt Institute: Sodium Nutrition of Livestock and Poultry
Determination of Thallium Speciation in Water Samples by HPLC-ICP-MS | EVISA's News
Arsenic species in the Most Consumed Seafoods in the USA | EVISA's News
Link database: Lenntech: Magnesium (Mg) and water
Speciation analysis of aluminium in wine by LC-ICP-MS | EVISA's News
Material database: Sigma-Aldrich - Reagent for Voltammetry: Mercury for polarography
Determination of methylmercury complexes with low molecular mass thiols | EVISA's News