cancer risk
A theoretical risk for getting cancer if exposed to a substance every day for 70 years (a lifetime exposure). The true risk might be lower.
ATSDR Glossary of Terms
The term "cancer risk" was found in the following pages:
EPA accuses chromium industry of withholding lung cancer study | EVISA's News
Arsenic Speciation in Rice Cereals for Infants | EVISA's News
EVISA News revisited: Potential link between aluminum salts in deodorants and breast cancer warrants further research | EVISA's News
Selenomethionine shows promising results as a protective agent against Esophageal Cancer | EVISA's News
Arsenic exposure from Poultry Meat produced in the US before 2015 | EVISA's News
Journals database: Cancer Causes and Control
EU wide human monitoring study on occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium | EVISA's News
Toenail clippings reveal arsenic exposure | EVISA's News
EVISA News revisited: Potential link between aluminium salts in deodorants and breast cancer warrants further research | EVISA's News
Journals database: Human and Ecological Risk Assessment
Link database: US EPA: TTN: Beryllium Compounds
EU seeking to restrict chemicals in tattoo inks over cancer fears | EVISA's News
Link database: NRDC: Arsenic and Old Laws
Decreased risk of colorectal cancer linked with higher selenium status | EVISA's News
Review: Selenium doesn't prevent cancer | EVISA's News
Arsenic in Pressure-Treated Lumber - Enhancing Childrens Cancer Risks | EVISA's News