
1. Watery proteinaceous portion of the blood that remains after clotting.

2. Clear watery fluid especially that moistening the surface of serous membranes or that exuded through inflammation of any of these membranes.

The term "serum" was found in the following pages:

Link database: FTC: Companies advertising popular dietary supplement chromium picolinate can't substantiate weight loss and health benefit claims, says FTC
New selenium metabolites found in human serum | EVISA's News
Speciation analysis of aluminium in wine by LC-ICP-MS | EVISA's News
Efficiency of some papillomavirus vaccines is reduced in the presence of thimerosal | EVISA's News
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinChek 8880 Blood Serum Control lyophilised, trace elements level I
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinCal 9982 Serum calibrator lyophilised for trace elements: LOT 538
Material database: IRMM - Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements - BCR-639
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinChek 8880 Blood Serum Control lyophilised, trace elements level I: LOT 544
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinCal 9982 Serum calibrator lyophilised for trace elements LOT 243
Selenoneine is a major selenium species in red blood cells of Inuit from Nunavik | EVISA's News
New study investigates the interaction of thimerosal with proteins | EVISA's News
Researchers discover how selenium is incorporated into proteins | EVISA's News
Decreased risk of colorectal cancer linked with higher selenium status | EVISA's News
Material database: RECIPE Chemicals + Instruments GmbH - ClinChek 8881 Blood Serum Control lyophilised, trace elements level II: LOT 347
FDA Approves Chromium Claim | EVISA's News
Speciation analysis by LC-ICP-MS finds new application area in clinical chemistry: Ceruloplasmin | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Jenway - PCLM3 Chloride Meter
Trimethylselenonium is not the major metabolite for human cancer patients excreting high doses of selenium | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Shimadzu Corporation - Prominence HPLC
Essentiality of selenium for brain development | EVISA's News