
(of a substance): Total quantity of a substance administered to, taken up, or absorbed by an organism, organ, or tissue.
(of radiation): Energy or amount of photons absorbed by an irradiated object during a specific exposure time divided by ara or volume.

The term "dose" was found in the following pages:

Link database: Encyclopedia of Earth: Public Health Statement for Tungsten
Study show high levels of mercury in women related to fish consumption | EVISA's News
Link database: Encyclopedia of Earth: Public Health Statement for Thorium
Combined speciation analysis and elemental bioimaging provides new information about the retention of gadolinium in kidney following the application of some MRI contrast agents | EVISA's News
Link database: ATSDR: ToxFAQs for Mercury
Link database: CODA-CERVA: Lead
Too many dental amalgam fillings may increase mercury levels | EVISA's News
Too many dental amalgam fillings may increase blood mercury levels | EVISA's News
Mercury in food – EFSA updates advice on risks for public health | EVISA's News
Link database: FDA: Thimerosal and Vaccines
Link database: Encyclopedia of Earth: Public Health Statement for Cobalt
The human liver: not always doing the job right? | EVISA's News
Link database: ATSDR: ToxFAQs for Selenium
Rice is the Major Pathway for Methylmercury Exposure in Inland China | EVISA's News
Material database: National Research Council of Canada (NRC - CNRC) - TORT-3: Lobster Hepatopancreas Reference Material for Trace Metals
Link database: ATSDR: ToxFAQs for Blister Agents: Lewisite
Link database: ATSDR: ToxFAQs for Barium
Material database: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - SRM 1566 b - Oyster Tissue
Link database: Food Standards Agency: Advice on vitamins and minerals
Link database: ATSDR: ToxFAQs for Arsenic