
Alkylmercury compounds having methyl groups. Includes both mono- and dimethylmercury.

In fact, methylmercury is not a compound in itself but a cation, CH3Hg+, which forms one part of methylmercury compounds; usually methylmercury salts. Dimethylmercury is one methylmercury compound that is not a salt. The methylmercury cation is normally associated with either a simple anion, like chloride (Cl-), or a large molecule (e.g. a protein) with negative and positive charges. The methylmercury cation is the most toxic form of mercury, able to inhibit fetal brain development, which results in the behavioural changes and reduced cognitive and motor ability.

The term "methylmercury" was found in the following pages:

Mercury levels in Pacific yellowfin tuna increasing | EVISA's News
Material database: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - SRM 2976
9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) | EVISA's Agenda of Events
New quick test for methylmercury | EVISA's News
FDA/EPA recommends pregnant women to restrict their fish consumption because of methylmercury content | EVISA's News
New Report is first to quantify Health Impacts from World's Worst Toxic Pollution Problems | EVISA's News
CDC's Vaccine Safety Research is Exposed as Flawed and Falsified in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal | EVISA's News
The effect of thermal treatment on the arsenic speciation in food | EVISA's News
Link database: vimeo: Methylmercury in fish: What the label won't tell you
New results on the distribution of mercury in the USA is fueling the discussion on the necessity of the reduction of its emission | EVISA's News
Dietary mercury exposure: Mercury isotopes can tell the source | EVISA's News
Elephant Seals’ fur as a source for methylmercury in coastal sea water | EVISA's News
Anthropogenic Mercury Releases Into the Atmosphere from Ancient to Modern Time | EVISA's News
Determination of methylmercury complexes with low molecular mass thiols | EVISA's News
Enhanced level of toxic methylmercury in the aquatic environment caused by hydroelectric dams | EVISA's News
Link database: Princeton University: Mercury Cycling and Methylation
Link database: Illinois Teratogen Information Service: Methylmercury and Pregnancy
Certified reference materials for arsenic in marine animal tissues | EVISA's News
Link database: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: Questions and Answers about Mercury in Fish