Californias gold rush ended more than a century ago, but mercury used to mine the gold is still making its way into valleys below the mines and the contamination will probably last thousands of years, a new analysis shows.
Background:In the mid-1800s, gold mining released more than a cubic kilometer of mercury-laden sediments into Northern Californias Sierra Nevada foothills. The sediments fanned out and inundated rivers that flow into the San Francisco Bay. The mercury contamination resulted from the hydraulic mining processes of the era that used mercury to separate gold from gravel. An estimated 13000 tons of mercury was used during the 19th century gold rush in the Sierra Nevada and Klamath-Trinity Mountains. Researchers estimate that 90 percent of the mercury is still trapped within the sediments.

"They didn't just pan for gold,"
says Michael Singer. "That's a romantic notion of gold mining. It was
actually an industrial process whereby they sprayed giant high-pressure
hoses, invented in 1852, at upland hillsides to wash the sediment
downstream." (Credit: "Hydraulic mining at Rockerville, Dak.", Library
of Congress via Wikimedia Commons) Transport of contaminated sediments into the San Francisco Bay Delta has contaminated the food web and poses a huge risk to the lowland ecosystems and to the human population as well because a lot of people eat fish from this system. Within the aquatic environment, mercury may be transformed to methylmercury, a mercury species that accumulates in fish, amphibians and waterfowl. Numerous waterways in Northern California downstream of mining activities therefore post warnings about fish consumption.
The new studyUp to now, the processes by which Hg is delivered to lowlands and the patterns of its floodplain deposition were only poorly understood. To understand how flooding and erosion may trigger future releases of
the poison, the research group led by Michael Bliss Singer measured
mercury levels in sediments at 105 locations upstream of the bay. Levels
of mercury in the sediment were up to hundreds of times higher than
background levels.
This new study addresses a gap in the general theory of the evolution of toxic sediment emplaced by industrial mining, which enables anticipation, prediction, and management of contamination to food webs, says Michael Singer, associate researcher at University of California, Santa Barbaras Earth Research Institute.
The team analyzed topographic maps, streamflow data and satellite images, and used computer modeling to show that mercury stored in immense Sierran human-made sediment deposits is carried by the Yuba River and other nearby streams to the Central Valley lowlands. The heavy metal tends to be loosened during major floods that occur about once a decade, most recently in 1986 and 1997.
Drawing on historical flood data to predict sediment flow, the team reports that the mining sediments will continue to release mercury into waterways over at least the next 10,000 years unless something is done to prevent mercury-laden sediment from eroding and ending up in the state's agricultural heartland. As climate change intensifies the areas rainstorms, the researchers predict, the flood-driven discharges should become even more frequent.
"The problem is very serious indeed," said lead author Michael Singer of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
The analysis was undertaken at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. The findings have been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
While the source of contamination in California is mostly historic,
mercury pollution related to gold mining is ongoing in other regions of
the world. In 50 countries small‐scale miners recover gold by amalgamation process,
using excessive quantities of mercury. Fifteen million artisanal gold
miners apply this process and 100 million people might depend upon these
activities. Artisanal gold mining worldwide is responsible for one third
of all mercury released into the environment approximately 1000
Michael Sperling
The original study
Michael Bliss Singer, Rolf Aalto, L. Allan James, Nina E. Kilham, John L. Higson, and Subhajit Ghoshal,
Enduring legacy of toxic fan via episodic redistribution of California gold mining debris, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 110/46 (2013) 18436-441.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1302295110
Related studies
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An isotopic record of mercury in San Francisco Bay sediment, Chem. Geol., 349350 (2013) 8798.
doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.04.017
Gretchen E. Gehrke, Joel D. Blum, Mark Marvin-DiPasquale,
Sources of mercury to San Francisco Bay surface sediment as revealed by mercury stable isotopes, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75 (2011) 691705.
Ben K. Greenfield, Andrew Jahn,
Mercury in San Francisco Bay forage fish, Environmental Pollution 158 (2010) 2716- 2724.
Scott Lecce, Robert Pavlowsky, Gwenda Schlomer,
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doi: 10.1007/s00254-007-0970-9
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The Movement of Aquatic Mercury Through Terrestrial Food Webs, Science, 320 (2008) 335.
doi: 10.1126/science.1154082
Charles N. Alpers, Michael P. Hunerlach, Jason T. May, and Roger L. Hothem, Mercury Contamination from Historical Gold Mining in California, U.S. Geological Survey, Fact Sheet 2005-3014 Version 1.1, Revised October 2005. 
Aaron J. Slowey, James J. Rytuba, Gordon E. Brown,
Speciation of Mercury and Mode of Transport from Placer Gold Mine Tailings, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39/6 (2005) 15471554.
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Ronald Eisler,
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Michael P. Hunerlach, Charles N. Alpers, Mark Marvin-DiPasquale, Howard E. Taylor, and John F. De Wild,
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Studies from other regions of the world
Samuel A. Beal,
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Jennifer Baeuml, Stephan Bose-OReilly, Raffaella Matteucci Gothe, Beate Lettmeier, Gabriele Roider, Gustav Drasch, Uwe Siebert,
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Vincent K. Nartey, Raphael K. Klake, Ebenezer K. Hayford, Louis K. Doamekpor, Richard K. Appoh,
Assessment of Mercury Pollution in Rivers and Streams around Artisanal Gold Mining Areas of the Birim North District of Ghana, J. Environ. Prot., 2 (2011) 1227-1239.
doi: 10.4236/jep.2011.29141
Catherine Tomicic, David Vernez, Tounaba Belem, Michčle Berode,
Human mercury exposure associated with small-scale gold mining in Burkina Faso, Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health, 84 (2011) 539546.
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Víctor González-Carrasco, Patricio C. Velasquez-Lopez, Jesús Olivero-Verbel, Nerlis Pájaro-Castro,
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Paul Cordy, Marcello M. Veiga, Ibrahim Salih, Sari Al-Saadi, Stephanie Console, Oseas Garcia, Luis Alberto Mesa, Patricio C. Velásquez-López, Monika Roeser,
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Sarah Strode, Lyatt Jaegle, Noelle E. Selin,
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Kevin H. Telmer, Marcello Veiga,
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Jose Marrugo-Negrete, Luis Norberto Benitez, Jesús Olivero-Verbel,
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Stephan Bose-OReilly, Beate Lettmeier, Raffaella Matteucci Gothe, Christian Beinhoff, Uwe Siebert, Gustav Drasch,
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Cláudia Carvalhinho Windmöller, Regis Costa Santos, Maycon Athayde, Helena Eugęnia Leonhardt Palmieri,
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Nelia Cortes-Maramba, Jose Paciano Reyes, Ana Trinidad Francisco-Rivera, Hirokatsu Akagi, Rose Sunio, Lynn Crisanta Panganiban,
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Jan H. Mol, Joyce S. Ramlal, Carlos Lietar, Marc Verloo,
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Peter van Straaten,
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J.D. Appleton, T.M. Williams, N. Breward, A. Apostol, J. Miguel, C. Miranda,
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Related information (mercury pollution by gold mining)
BRI/IPEN: Global Mercury Hotspots, BRI/IPEN, January 2013
Blacksmith Institute: Mercury pollution 2012 - Artisanal gold mining 2011 - Artisanal gold mining 2010 - Top six toxic threaths: Mercury
UNEP: UNEP: Reducing Mercury in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)
Related EVISA Resources
Link database: Mercury exposure through the diet
Link database: Environmental cycling of mercury
Link database: Environmental mercury pollution
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last time modified: January 18, 2025