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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The conference will bring together a diverse community of conference participants, drawing on industry, government, research institutions, NGOs and academics, providing excellent opportunity for collaboration. ICMGP will craft a technical program that reflects the latest advances, highlights critical understanding and promotes active discussion of the science of mercury and innovative strategies for its management. The 13th ICMGP will follow the tradition of previous successful conferences with synthesis, detailed sessions and presentations on mercury science, technology, management and human health. The theme of this conference will be understanding the multiple factors that accelerate and attenuate recovery of mercury contamination in response to environmental inputs on local to global scales

Date: 16.07.2017 - 21.07.2017
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Contact: mercury2017@agendamanagers.com
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄mercury2017.org⁄initial⁄index.php

We envision a broadly based program that would include plenary, invited and contributed oral presentations; poster presentations; small group meetings; opportunities for student mentoring; demonstrations by instrument vendors, industry and research groups; and networking. We will craft a technical program that reflects the latest advances, highlights critical understanding and promotes active discussion of the science of mercury and innovative strategies for its management.

Plenary and Synthesis Themes:

  • How is global mercury cycling changing in response to perturbations (e.g., climate change, emissions control)?
    • Special Session Topics:
    • Atmospheric mercury cycling and transformations: Insights from measurements and models
    • Biogeochemical cycling of mercury in the ocean
    • Stable isotope studies of global mercury cycling and bioaccumulation
    • Mercury cycling, bioaccumulation and health impacts in polar regions
    • Advances in analytical methods for environmental mercury speciation
    • Global regulatory issues and social policy implementation
    • The role of global monitoring in evaluating regulatory effectiveness
    • Quantifying mercury emissions from energy generation
    • Comparable measurement results for mercury analysis and speciation
    • Mercury through time – Reconstructing Hg-deposition using natural archives
  • How is mercury cycling (and bioaccumulation) changing in specific places in response to perturbations (e.g., climate change, remediation, nutrient control, urbanization)?
    • Special Session Topics:
    • Sources and cycling of mercury in coastal ecosystems
    • Sources and cycling of mercury in freshwater ecosystems
    • Sources and cycling of mercury in terrestrial ecosystems
    • Mercury fate in aquatic and terrestrial food webs
    • Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM): Current and historical emissions, current practices and future projections
    • Mercury methylation: microbial and geochemical constraints
    • Legacy site assessment and management
    • Mercury cycling in response to ecosystem perturbations (e.g., climate change, sea level rise, urbanization, wetland construction, nutrient addition or control)
    • Regional and local scale stable isotope studies of mercury biogeochemical cycling and bioaccumulation
    • Monitoring regulatory effectiveness
    • Development and implementation of novel remediation approaches
    • Multidisciplinary knowledge exchanges between scientist (social and natural), policy makers, and communities to inform decision-making at the local and regional scale
    • Mercury in the oil and gas industry, from initial exploration through production to end-of-life decommissioning
    • Chloralkali Industry – Reduction of emission and releases
    • Safe and reliable handling of mercury in science & technology
  • What is the relative risk of mercury exposure to human health and wildlife in the context of other risks/stressors?
    •  Special Session Topics:
    •  Risk/benefit communication related to fish and seafood consumption
    •  Rice and other foods as sources of methylmercury exposure to humans
    •  Impacts of climate change on human and wildlife exposure
    •  Occupational mercury exposure from ASGM and other activities
    •  Local to international policies for reducing human exposure to mercury
    •  Risk assessment of mercury exposure to fish, birds, and wildlife
    •  Engagement of communities impacted adversely by environmental mercury pollution.
    •  Human exposure and health effects of mercury: epidemiology and population studies
    •  Methylmercury toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics: human and animal models
  • How can scientific knowledge contribute to the implementation and effectiveness evaluation of the Minamata Convention?
    • Special Session Topics:
    • Informing the implementation of the Minamata Convention: the role of scientific assessments
    • Contaminated site assessment and management: Lessons for technical assistance under the Minamata Convention
    • Global science for global policy: Lessons from Geotraces, GMOS and others
    • Anthropogenic emissions: Monitoring and analysis to support mitigation
    • The socioeconomic impacts of Hg pollution locally and globally
    • Technologies and approaches for mitigating mercury emissions
    • Socio-economic challenges of mercury policy implementation
    • Understanding implications of the Minamata Convention: Now and in the future
    • Poster Session Only: Regional Cooperation to Track Atmospheric Mercury Transport and Deposition: The Asia Pacific Mercury Monitoring Network


December 15,2016Submission of abstracts
April 15,2017Notification of acceptance
May 31,2017Early registration at reduced fee

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