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Poster session II
Program Overview
Registration fee
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Scope of the workshop
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Submission of abstracts
TraceSpec 2007
Workshop History
Workshop venue
Registration fee

Registration fees
Before June 15
After June 15
Regular participant 240 €
300 €
180 €
225 €
100 €
120 €

The registration fee includes a copy of the Workshop programme/Book of Abstracts, the informal get-together party and the coffee breaks during the workshop.

Participants are requested to complete and return the registration form together with their payment. Payment of the registration fee should be made without charges to the beneficiary, to the order of IAEAC, preferably before June 15, 2009.

Payment can be made by:
  • bank transfer to the conference's IBAN account No. CH81 0483 5028 7720 0200 6 (EURO) at Credit Suisse, ST. ALBAN-GRABEN 1-3, 4002 BASEL, Switzerland (BIC/Swift Code: CRESCHZZ80A), indicating your name and "TraceSpec" as a keyword.
  • Credit cards: Visa, MasterCard (please complete and sign the relevant part of the registration form and send it to the conference office).
Refunds can only be granted if notification of cancellation has reached the conference office before 15 June, 2009. No refunds can be granted after this date. Refunds (less € 40.00 for administrative costs) will be processed after the conference.

Registration form

If not done already you should book your hotel as early as possible. Other events during the workshop (e.g. IAA/Frankfurt) lead to a shortage of rooms in Mainz !!

Late poster contributions
Posters are a very important tool for communicating results of research studies towards the audience of the workshop. While the deadline for submitting oral contributions is gone you may still submit your poster contribution (via Email to the conference office using the abstract form). However, please recognize that contributions submitted after August 25 will not be included in the final program/book of abstracts.

Late program changes
Unfortunately our invited speaker Constant van den Berg had to cancel his participation because of personal reasons. Instead his co-author Pascal Salaün will give a presentation with the title: Stripping voltammetry for metals and metalloid speciation in natural waters.

Excepted presentations mentioned in the preliminary program from authors that did not register have been excluded from the final program. The final workshop booklet containing the program and the abstracts is now on this website and can be downloaded as a PDF-File here.

© Copyright : EVISA – European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis - 2009