
This term is used to describe the relative occurrence of an ion. A mass spectrum is a plot of  the ion abundances against the m/z values determined and is normalised to the most abundant ion. This term should be distinguished from intensity which, while appropriate for the signal of the individual ion peak detected, is not used in spectra.

The term "abundance" was found in the following pages:

Instrument database: Nu Instruments Ltd. - Noblesse
Germanium speciation analysis of soil polluted by an electronic waste processing plant | EVISA's News
New insights on arsenic cycling | EVISA's News
Chromium Isotope Ratio as a Tool to Track the Redox State of the Earth | EVISA's News
Instrument database: Teledyne CETAC Technologies - AridusTM Desolvating Nebulizer System
Determination of tungsten species in natural waters by HPLC-ICP-MS | EVISA's News
Link database: Encyclopedia of Earth: Hafnium
Instrument database: Bruker Daltonics - HCT/HCTplus
Link database: Chemical Fact Sheet: Zirconium
Instrument database: Eksigent - NanoLC-Ultra HPLC system
Instrument database: Sercon Ltd. - 20-20 Continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer
Material database: National Research Council of Canada (NRC - CNRC) - NIMS-1: Natural abundance inorganic mercury isotopic certified reference material
Instrument database: Applied Biosystems - BIOiTRAQ™ QS System
Instrument database: Thermo Scientific - NEPTUNE
New mercury transporting protein in human blood identified | EVISA's News
Material database: LGC Ltd. - LGC7330 - Selenomethionine enriched with 76Se
Link database: WorstPolluted.ORG 2010: Chromium Pollution
Chromium speciation by magnetic solid phase extraction on-line with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry | EVISA's News
Material database: Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project (CCRMP) - BL-5 Uranium Ore
Instrument database: Thar Technologies, Inc. - MS Resolution - Analytical SFC System