CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) houses Australia’s leading regional climate change modelling research teams.
Our research aims to advance Australian climate, marine and earth systems science.
We focus on issues affecting Australia and the world, and we provide a range of scientific and consulting services that are underpinned by this research.
Australia is the custodian of one of the largest marine jurisdictions in the world, an area more than twice that of our land mass.
An enormous range of economic and recreational opportunities exist, while the oceans around Australia play a major role in controlling world and regional climate.
The atmospheric composition of the Southern Hemisphere and the exchange of gases with the land and sea are important in measuring, modelling and analysing climate change and ozone depletion.
Research themes
CMAR’s research is delivered largely through the National Research Flagships, in particular through research themes in the Wealth from Oceans Flagship, and with the Bureau of Meteorology through the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research.
Climate and atmosphere
The Climate and Atmosphere theme develops Earth system models and knowledge of climate processes to make climate and ocean predictions and assess climate change impacts.
It aims to help our climate-sensitive society make better decisions.
Researchers use observations of the atmosphere and Earth to assess air quality, greenhouse gases and the interactions between land and air.
Their work focuses on policies, actions and methodologies that are responsive to changes in atmospheric health, for the responsible use of the atmosphere and its interactions with the Earth.